Pertamina Consider Buying Cheap Oil From Russia, This Is The Reason
Illustration (Photo: Doc. Antara)

BALI - PT Pertamina (Persero) is considering buying crude from Russia.

It has been reported that Indonesia is interested in buying oil from Russia several times.

However, various studies are still being carried out. Given, there are still various kinds of considerations that must be carefully decided.

President Director of PT Pertamina International Refinery, Taufik Aditiyawarman, explained that the study was carried out taking into account political elements, the economy, to the company's business calculations.

"There has been no confirmation yet, we are still reviewing it. Because there must be a political risk, economic risk, under risk company. We still have a global bond for Pertamina Group, so it's a consideration. But we are intense," said Taufik when met at BNDCC, Bali, Friday, November 25.

But unfortunately, Taufik did not want to reveal further about the plan. Both in terms of price, and the amount needed.

The reason is that in the purchase of oil, there needs to be a trial conducted at the Pertamina refinery.

"If it's oil, if it's imported, on average we have to try it first at the refinery. If the product has been, it's suitable at the refinery, how much is it, so there is an economical price. There are 1-2 appropriate and inappropriate products," he said.

For your information, this Russian oil production is being embargoed by the European state. Therefore, Russia is trying to sell its production oil at a lower price.

However, only two countries agreed to buy, namely China and India.

Pertamina's plan to import oil from Russia was first disclosed by Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati in March 2021 at a hearing (RDP) with Commission VI.

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