Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani stated that the realization of the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) for the end of October 2022 recorded a deficit of IDR 169.5 trillion.

According to him, the book occurred because of the higher total expenditure of Rp2,351.1 trillion compared to the revenue side of Rp2,181.6 trillion.

"This deficit is equivalent to 0.91 percent of gross domestic product (GDP)," he said when holding a press conference on our State Budget on Thursday, November 24.

Sri Mulyani explained, compared to Presidential Decree 98/2022 which is the basis of the 2022 State Budget Law, the total deficit design for this year is IDR 840.2 trillion or 4.5 percent of GDP.

"The deficit occurred in October as a result of the increasingly optimal APBN as a shock absorber of global and domestic pressure," he said.

The prediction regarding the state budget deficit in October 2022 has been reported by VOI this week.

The reason is, the government last month just paid Pertamina and PLN an energy compensation fee of around Rp. 163 trillion.

"Fiscal performance will continue to encourage financing needs in the rest of the year," closed the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

Previously, the APBN recorded moncer results since the beginning of the year with a surplus in January of IDR 28.9 trillion.

Followed by a surplus of IDR 19.7 trillion in February, a surplus of IDR 10.3 trillion in March, a surplus of IDR 103.1 trillion in surplus in April.

Then, in May a surplus of IDR 132.2 trillion, in June a surplus of IDR 73.6 trillion, in July a surplus of IDR 106.1 trillion, in surplus of IDR 107.4 trillion, and in September a surplus of IDR 60.9 trillion.

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