JAKARTA - Deputy President Director of PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk Nixon LP Napitupulu revealed that the reason many people were rejected when applying for a Home Ownership Credit (KPR) was because they were still in debt from online loans (pinjol).

"BI Testing is getting more and more exciting here because in the past many applications were rejected because of credit cards, now because of loans. 30 percent failed because of loans," he said in a Hearing Meeting with Commission VI of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Wednesday, November 23.

From his observations, the nominal loan made by the applicant is not large, but affects BI Checking.

"This loan is not large. Sometimes it is below Rp. 5 million, some are even below Rp. 1 million and are rejected because of loans," added Nixon.

He added that another sadness that must be faced is because the loan company does not come from banks, making it difficult to communicate between loan companies and banks.

"So we can't talk to them," added Nixon.

The solution offered by BTN is to request additional requirements such as a top up from the house limit to pay off online loans owned by debtors.

However, continued Nixon, this difficulty was again faced because the loan company then added interest and fines.

"The flowers and fines are put back in. This is difficult for the repayment process. 30 percent is the largest rejection rate because of the loan," continued Nixon.

BTN, he continued, also provides concessions for borrowers who have bad credit for up to 3 months or 90 days.

"From us, if it is still in arrears of 90 days, we will still review it for up to 3 months, but if there is a traffic jam, the loan is complicated and it is often rejected," concluded Nixon.

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