JAKARTA - The Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas has completed the Indonesia Development Forum (IDF) 2022 which will take place in Bali, November 21-22 2022. In 2022, the IDF takes the theme The 2045 Development Agenda: New Industrialization Paradigm for Indonesias Economic Transformation and as we know it, what we want and collect from all those present here, is how we can carry out economic transformations in order to realize the Vision of Indonesia 2045, said the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa, Tuesday, November 22.

The statement was made in a session of the Hearing Government, an interactive forum presenting three ministers to hear the presentation of the winner of the Call for Submission IDF, representatives of the Batang Integrated Industrial Estate, PT Bali Chaotic, and the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda. We really appreciate the ideas and innovations conveyed at the IDF 2022 event and hope that these ideas and innovations can be matured and collaborated to provide tangible benefits for industrialization in Indonesia," said Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto when reading the direction of Indonesian President Joko Widodo.

IDF 2022 discusses a strategy for Indonesia to be able to overcome the middle-income trap and switch to high-income country. To achieve this goal, industrialization with a new paradigm is achieved with three main steps. First, increasing economic complexity and interproduct linkage. Second, increasing accumulated productive knowledge supported by research and innovation. Third, adaptation to market demand with new trends, including the sustainable, smart, and functional lifestyle changing industry; industries that implement a circular economy; industry fulfills changes in healthy lifestyles, especially food and beverages; industry anticipates twin transition, namely digital transition and green transition; as well as anticipation of industries 5.0 and 6.0.

"The Ministry of Industry appreciates all IDF stakeholders initiated by the Ministry of VAT to continue to increase added value, as well as the competitiveness of national products through a new paradigm of industrialization. This is of course in line with the direction of the President to be able to prepare and accelerate downstreaming, accelerate the digitization and capability of national human resources," said Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita.

The IDF 2022 which was held by Bappenas is also a momentum for the launch of the 2023-2045 Indonesia Digital Industry Development Master Plan and the 2022-2045 Aerospace Industrial Ecosystem Development Roadmap, as well as the signing of a Joint Commitment between PT Dirgantara Indonesia and the Bandung Institute of Technology in establishing a Competency Center in the Design Sector of Aircraft Construction.

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