YOGYAKARTA - Government Securities (SUN) are Securities issued by the Government.

SUN is applied by the government to finance government budget needs such as to cover the deficit in the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN). Starting to know what SUN is?

From the government side, SUN is useful for seeking funds to finance the state budget. Meanwhile, in terms of buyers or investors, SUN is a financial product that offers profit, with interest payments or coupons and potential price increases (capital gains).

In his lay language, this SUN is proof that the government owes investors a certain period of time. The government guarantees interest payments and principal from SUN according to their validity period.

The term Related to SUN

Due (maturity)

SUN has a validity period. This means that the government will return the principal fund of the capital giver after the period has expired or has matured. This SUN maturity varies from three months to 30 years.

Quasipon atau bunga

Components or interest are the rewards given to buyers or SUN investors. This coupon is calculated in percentage to the principal amount of debt and the time of the year. However, the payment can be made every three months or in a discounto manner.

Umpamanya, jika seorang pemodal membeli SUN seharga Rp100 juta dengan coupon 8 persen per tahun (per annum/p.a), karenanya dalam setahun pemoda akan menerima bunga Rp8 juta. Namun demikian sebab pembaya pembayaran 3 bulan sekali bulan, Karenanya pemodal akan mendapat bunga 3/12 X Rp8 juta = Rp2 juta tiap kali pembayaran coupon.

Interest payments are discounted on payment when purchases are cheaper than the points purchased. The model, the financier buys SUN in nominal value of Rp. 100 million, but he only pays Rp. 98 million. Then at the time of maturity the financier still receives a principal of Rp. 100 million.


In accordance with Law no. 24 of 2002, SUN consists of State Treasury Letters (SPN) and State Bonds (including Retail State Bonds/ORI).

State Treasury Letter (SPN)

The State Treasury Letter (SPN) is SUN which has an optimal period of 12 months with discounted interest payments.

State Bonds

State Bonds, namely SUN, which has a period of more than 12 months with coupons or discounted interest payments.

Indonesian Retail Bonds (ORI).

State bonds are traded in retail. The purpose of is the issuance of ORI to provide the widest opportunity for the public or individual investors to directly own and trade actively in the trading of State Bonds.

How is the form of SUN's Physical?

Government Securities can be issued in the form of news or without news (scripless). Government Securities currently circulating are issued in a form without a certificate. State Debt Letter can be issued in a form that can be traded or cannot be traded.

For this form without warkat, investors don't have to worry about buying or investing in invisible goods because there is evidence of the purchase in the form of invoices. This evidence can later be applied for disbursement of the principal investor's funds when the SUN has matured.

What does SUN mean in WA?

Sun in language means kissing or kissing. Sun's word comes from daily communication that has been born like that since ancient times. Generally this word is expressed by people who are more mature towards young people or usually also to children. Its use does not really contain pornographic elements.

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