PT PLN (Persero) has distributed electricity stimulus worth IDR 24.23 trillion which has been budgeted by the government for economic recovery due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This was conveyed by the President Director of PT PLN (Persero) Darmawan Prasodjo.

He stated, starting April 2022, the government, through PLN, has distributed Rp13.15 trillion to 33.02 million customers. Meanwhile, in 2021, the budget allocation for electricity stimulus of Rp11.08 trillion was given to 31.94 million customers. The stimulus fund is used by the government through PLN to provide free electricity usage and a 50 percent discount for household customers with 450 Volt Ampere power, 450VA small power business and 450 VA small power industry. Then, he continued, the stimulus fund was given to household customers with 900 subsidized VA power with a 50 percent discount and 25 percent. The same stimulus is also given to prepaid and postpaid customers. In addition, said Darmawan, PLN also provides exemption from expense or subscription fees and exemption of a minimum 50 percent account requirement for industrial, business and social customers. According to him, the exemption of expenses, subscriptions, subscriptions, and exemption from minimum account provisions, stimulus will be given automatically by cutting electricity bills for social, business and industrial consumers.

"This stimulus is a form of social protection provided by the government to the community. PLN is tasked with distributing stimulus to the community properly and on target," said Darmawan. through the assistance of PLN Cares, he continued, PLN distributed assistance of Rp. 14.05 billion in the form of personal protective equipment (PPE) and masks, food assistance, medicines, as well as health facilities and infrastructure.

In its implementation, PLN employees also contributed a total of Rp17 billion in funds collected to help residents. The same solidarity action was also channeled by the Baitul Maal PLN Foundation worth Rp7.77 billion. PLN also supports the operation of oxygen factories and hospitals by providing reliable electricity.

In addition to supporting electricity supply, PLN also provides medical oxygen supplies produced at power plants managed by PLN subholding through PT PLN Indonesia Power and PT PLN Nusantara Power.

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