JAKARTA - Member of Commission VI of the Indonesian House of Representatives Muhammad Husein Fadlulloh hopes that the State Capital Participation (PMN) given to PT Hutama Karya for the construction of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road can be used as efficiently as possible. For your information, Hutama Karya received an injection of fresh funds in the form of PMN cash 2022 period I amounting to Rp23.85 billion which is in the process of disbursement and period II of Rp7.5 trillion from investment reserve funds. Seeing the amount of nominal value given by PMN, Husein emphasized that the construction of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road must pay attention to vital matters, starting from research on locations to the quality of the resulting toll roads. So, continued Husein, later the use of the 2022 State Capital Participation Fund (PMN) allocated for the construction of the road can be utilized as efficiently as possible. This was conveyed by Husein in the Hearing Meeting (RDP) of Commission VI of the DPR RI with the President Director of PT Hutama Karya (Persero), regarding the deepening of PMN Cash in 2022. "This is not the first time for PT Hutama Karya to accept such PMN to complete the JTTS, it should PT Hutama Karya pay close attention to the use of these PMN funds, not to just complete the large funds without paying attention to vital important things starting from research on the location of toll road construction and also of course quality," said Husein at Nusantara I Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, November 16.

Furthermore, this Gerindra Party faction politician reminded the assignment given to Hutama Karya so that it can be done well. Because, as a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN), if the road built by Hutama Karya is not good, public trust in the government is at stake. "I remind you again, please use this PMN really well, yes. Funds to build this toll road can really be as efficient as possible. Because this is indeed an assignment. If the impact on the community socially it will really be felt well. The community will appreciate very much what the government has done," he concluded.

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