JAKARTA - The credit restructuring of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk gradually decreased. As of September, the value was Rp. 116.45 trillion, down 54.5 percent from the position during the COVID-19 pandemic of Rp. 256 trillion.

"Where is the difference? The majority of it is smooth to return and can pay its obligations in accordance with the provisions. Many have even been paid off," said BRI President Director Sunarso at a press conference in Jakarta, Wednesday, November 16.

Sunarso also estimates that as much as 10 percent of the total credit restructuring or around Rp. 25.6 trillion cannot be saved or bad credit.

Meanwhile, BRI Risk Management Director Agus Sudiarto added, the highest credit restructuring value almost penetrated 29.28 percent in September 2020. Thus, until the end of the third quarter of 2022, BRI's Loan at Risk (LAR) was recorded at 19.28 percent or a decrease compared to the same period in 2021 of 25.62 percent.

"Currently, our LAR is 19.3 percent. Of the 19 percent, 8 percent are numbers due to COVID, while 11 percent are non-COVID figures," said Agus.

Meanwhile, from the number of credit customers, he detailed that currently the remaining number of customers is 1.4 million customers, down from 2.5 million from the highest position which had penetrated 3.9 million customers in September 2020.

"It has dropped and the remaining 1.4 million customers and we continue to monitor so that we can maintain the quality well and there will be no surprising in the future," he continued.

Meanwhile, regarding the Financial Services Authority's policy regarding the COVID-19 credit restructuring which will end in March 2023, Agus stated that BRI has prepared a soft landing strategy, among others, by providing adequate reserves and measurable restructuring of customers.

Meanwhile, BRI is currently preparing funds for COVID-19 credit reserves to reach Rp29.95 trillion, or almost 26 percent. "BRI is ready as a bank if the realization of POJK is not continued in March 2023," he concluded.

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