What Is Joint Venture? This Becomes An Easy WAY To Make A Business Loh!
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YOGYAKARTA - In dealing with the world of business, there are times when entrepreneurs will face such obstacles or difficulties, without any ideas to innovate or even lack of capital. Then what is a joint venture?

Usually something like that happens when expanding into a new market or diversifying on a company line.

One of the ideal solutions that can be done when the company is experiencing difficulties as above is by carrying out joint ventures. If you don't know about joint ventures, here we have summarized some of the important things that entrepreneurs must know about this regulation.

Joint Venture or commonly known as a joint venture company is a company founded by two or more business entities with the aim of uniting energy sources and doing business within a certain time span.

The parties involved will arrange a new business entity and each will contribute to developing a business agenda that was created. But this work agreement does not last forever, and depends on the agreement between all parties involved. Usually, the company will return to normal operations after the set time span is complete, or the agreed purpose has been achieved.

Law on Regulation Regulatory Joint Venture

The rules regarding joint ventures are already limited in the Law, PP, and Decree of the Minister. The following is the node of the basis for regulations regarding joint ventures:

In the contract, the joint venture is divided into two types, namely



And if you look at the industry or the business sector, there are several industries whose establishment is obliged to use a joint venture agreement, namely:

Meanwhile, industries or business fields that are prohibited from planting are industries related to national defense, namely:

So after knowing what a joint venture is, don't forget to continue to look at other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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