The Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker) noted that the number of workers who experienced layoffs (PHK) in the last nine months or until September 2022 had reached 10,765 people.

Even so, the Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah said the figure was still lower than in previous years, especially at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"This is data as of September which was inputted in the amount of 10,765 (cases of layoffs). If we look at the case of layoffs from 2019 to September 2022, high layoffs occurred in 2020, when (Indonesia) experienced the COVID-19 pandemic," Ida said at a Working Meeting (Raker) with Commission IX DPR RI, Tuesday, November 8.

He said the number of layoffs in 2019 was 18,911 cases and jumped to 386,877 cases in 2020. Then, it decreased to 127,085 cases of layoffs in 2021.

This figure has dropped again to 10,765 cases until September 2022.

Therefore, to avoid the threat of very large layoffs in the future, the Ministry of Manpower also stated that it was ready to assist all parties in finding solutions.

Until now, the Ministry of Manpower is known to have coordinated with cross-ministerial or institutional, manpower agencies, and related partners to monitor the development of the issue of layoffs in Indonesia.

From the results of these coordinations, it was found that layoffs had occurred in a number of sectors, although all parties had tried to avoid layoffs and seek layoffs as the last solution of a problem.

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