JAKARTA - The Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) has collected a value added tax (VAT) on Trade Through Electronic Systems (PMSE) aka digital tax of IDR 9.17 trillion. This amount was collected from 2020 to October 31, 2022.

Director of Counseling, Services, and Public Relations of DGT Neilmaldrin Noor said the tax receipt came from 111 business actors who had been appointed.

"This amount comes from IDR 731.4 billion in deposits in 2020, IDR 3.9 trillion in deposits in 2021, and IDR 4.53 trillion in deposits in 2022," said Neilmaldrin in a written statement, Tuesday, November 8.

VAT collection by digital business actors is in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Finance/PMK-60/PMK.03/2022. The regulation states that PMSE business actors who have been appointed as tax collectors are required to collect VAT at an 11 percent rate for foreign products they sell in Indonesia.

In addition, said Neilmaldrin, business actors who have been appointed as PMSE VAT collectors are required to make proof of VAT collection for taxes that have been collected.

"The evidence of the levy can be in the form of a commercial invoice, billing, order receipt, or other similar documents that mention VAT collection and payment has been made," he said.

DGT said that in the future it will continue to provide equal opportunities between conventional and digital business actors (level playing fields).

One way that is done is by continuing to appoint PMSE business actors who sell products, as well as providing digital services abroad to consumers in Indonesia who have met the criteria.

The criteria in question are the value of transactions with Indonesian buyers exceeding Rp600 million a year or Rp50 million a month. The criterion, which is also subject to PPN PMSE, is that the number of traffic in Indonesia exceeds 12,000 a year or 1,000 a month for its activities.

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