JAKARTA - Infrastructure observer from Trisakti University Yayat Supriatna said that the Elevated Toll Road - Ulujami Section Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR) project is expected to reduce congestion on the JORR Toll Road. "The addition of a new toll road network can at least reduce congestion on the JORR toll road," Yayat said, quoted from Antara, Monday, November 7. He also added that unlike the traffic density of the Jakarta Inner City Toll Road which is considered smooth and appreciated, the JORR toll road has a fairly heavy density level, so it needs to be unraveled by the presence of alternative toll roads. "If there is no alternative toll road at JORR, for example, it will be difficult," he said. If the Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR) Elevated Cikunir - Ulujami Toll Road can break down the congestion on the JORR Toll Road, then this toll road can be an interesting alternative. Reporting from the official website of nodkpbu.pu.go.id of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), the construction project for the Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR) Elevated Section of Cikunir - Ulujami was proposed by the Consortium of PT. Marga Metro Nusantara, PT. Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk, and PT. Acset Indonusa Tbk. The Toll Road project is part of the Jabodetabek toll road which is located above the Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR) Existing Toll Road. This project stretches along 21.50 kilometers with the starting point located in Jatiasih and the end point located at Ulujami Intersection. The planned speed is 80 km/hour with a lane width of 3.5 m, and the number of junctions is two, namely the Antasari junction and Jati Asih. As for the number of On/Off Ramp as many as one, namely On/Off Ramp Jagorawi.

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