Bali Governor Wayan Koster asked the general managers of hotels on the Island of the Gods not to produce Balinese wine with large capital.

"I protect, if there are entrepreneurs who want to produce this (Bali wine) with large capital, I forbid it. If a large industry produces this (Bali wine) then the craftsmen die, I will not allow it," said Koster at the dinner celebrating the entry of Balinese wine as a Takbenda Cultural Heritage (WBTb) quoted by Antara, Saturday, November 5 night.

The Governor of Bali emphasized that the hotels should not take Balinese wine upstream, while he appealed to the distribution.

This is done so that the Balinese wine can belong to the people as a form of people's economy, not belonging to one person. Meanwhile, the hotel officials who attended were invited to use the original Balinese product in the hotel and restaurant.

"If all downstream entrepreneurs use this, I think this could be an extraordinary economic power for Bali. Bali Arak, Bali salt, Bali rice and all Bali and it has extraordinary quality," he said.

Wayan Koster assured the hotel not to hesitate with the drinks produced with these natural ingredients, because the process of making Balinese wine itself is through strict rules set out in Bali Governor Regulation No. 1 of 2020 concerning Governance of Balinese Fermentation and Destitlation.

"I assure all of you not to hesitate with these natural products. If you have to be selected according to hotel standards, I agree, but fostered to be good because our farmers and craftsmen are obedient," said the PDI-Perjuangan politician.

He explained that currently the Balinese procession has advanced to class, with the implementation of the Wayan Koster policy, the arrack farmers are no longer being chased by the police and hiding so they don't get arrested, because they have followed existing standards.

Therefore, the Governor of Bali also asked the craftsmen and processionists to be orderly and disciplined, especially in maintaining production quality.

"Mr. Regent of Karangasem, Mr. Kapolda will go down and no production of sugar wine should be processed by fermentation and the chemicals are destructive. I really want tourism actors to contribute to advancing Balinese wine craftsmen, from upstream to downstream so that Bali's economy moves after the COVID-19 pandemic to turn the people's economy in Bali Province," he said.

The party held by Governor Koster in Denpasar is in the context of entering Balinese wine as a WBTb, as well as a celebration of the holy day of Tumpek Landep, this is associated with celebrating wine products that are inherited from the ancestors who are expected to be able to advance to other drinks equivalent in the world.

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