JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) carried out public consultations with media representatives related to the Draft Law on the Development and Strengthening of the Financial Sector (RUU P2SK).

Special Staff to the Minister of Finance for Strategic Communication Yustinus Prastowo revealed that this strategy was adopted to maintain the rights and obligations of the community and is part of the implementation of good governance in the formation of laws and regulations.

"We invited our colleagues to talk, so we listened. We are not resource persons, but all of you are related to what is heard, what is known in the financial sector," he said in a written statement on Wednesday, November 2.

According to Yustinus, the P2SK Bill will be of the omnibus law format and will amend fifteen laws in the financial sector.

He said, with input from journalists present, it is hoped that it will be useful in ensuring that the P2SK Bill becomes a law that can support the development and strengthening of the financial sector in the future.

"Of course this is the perspective of colleagues as journalists who have a lot of information and are also concerned but also as part of the public," he said.

On this occasion, the media representatives who attended conveyed their views regarding this bill. Yustinus added that the government still opens wide opportunities for media who still want to convey their input through the official website of the Ministry of Finance.

"But not only the media, but the public can also access the landing page to convey their aspirations and input," he concluded.

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