JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Finance explained that the President of Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Muhammad Sulaiman Al-Jasser expressed his appreciation for the performance of the Indonesian economy.

It is stated that the global financial institution considers Indonesia to have a fairly good durability in the current uncertainty.

Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said IsDB also stated that its full commitment would continue to support Indonesia through development financing.

"Islamic Development Bank invites Indonesia to play a bigger role in IsDB, both through increasing capital contribution and increasing the number of staff," he said as reported by the official website today, Tuesday, October 18.

According to the Minister of Finance, in terms of food security and the availability of fertilizers, the Indonesian government and IsDB agreed to encourage increased collaboration in agriculture and food value chains (food value chain) among member countries.

"So far, IsDB has helped Indonesia through infrastructure financing in various fields including the development of educational institutions, health facilities and other economic infrastructure," he said.

The state treasurer hopes that this positive synergy can continue to develop in the future and provide benefits to all parties involved in it.

"Indonesia wants this cooperation to be expanded to other economic sectors, including support for the housing sector for the community and the development of the halal industry in Indonesia," closed the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

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