JAKARTA - PT Perusahaan Pengelola Asset (PPA) signed a conditional share sale and purchase agreement with PT Aplikanusa Lintasarta (Lintasarta). This transaction includes the purchase of shares of a subsidiary of Trafficarta PT Arta Integration Technology (ARINT).

This strategic transaction is a synergy between Lintasarta and its parent PT Indosat Tbk (Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison/IOH), and PPA to strengthen Artajasa's role in Indonesia's digital ecosystem.

In the future, Artajasa is expected to strengthen its various services, expand its business scope, and increase customer confidence, so that it can provide convenience for the public in digital transactions. In addition, this transaction is a form of compliance with regulations that apply in Indonesia.

PPA President Director Yadi Jaya Ruchandi said that this transaction was PPA's commitment to optimizing minority share ownership in Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison as mandated by the Ministry of SOEs to PPA, as well as creating synergie opportunities in the Danareksa Holding ecosystem.

"We believe that the strategic cooperation between PPA and IOH, Lintasarta, and Artajasa through ARINT will create many new opportunities in Indonesia's digital payment ecosystem and can provide extraordinary customer experience for the Indonesian people," Yadi said in an official statement received by VOI, Friday, October 7.

President Director and CEO of Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison totaling Sinha believes this collaboration is a great opportunity together to accelerate Indonesia's digital economy growth by creating synergies between the IOH, Lintasarta, Artajasa, and PPA ecosystems.

"This is also in accordance with the spirit of mutual cooperation promoted by IOH in realizing its mission to provide a world-class digital experience, connect and empower the Indonesian people," said flow.

Artajasa President Director Moch Maruf said this transaction would allow Artajasa to innovate in providing new payment solutions and introducing new products in Indonesia's digital economy.

Direktur Utama Lintasarta Arya Damar menambahkan, transaksi dan kerja sama strategis ini memungkinkan Artajasa untuk memberikan solusi terbaik di kelasnya kepada para pelanggannya."Selain itu, upaya ini adalah bentuk kepatuhan kami terhadap regulasi terkait industri sistem pembayaran dalam negeri, yang akhirnya akan meningkatkan customer experience," pungkas Arya.

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