YOGYAKARTA Taxpayers or often abbreviated as taxpayers are individuals or entities that according to the provisions of tax laws are determined to carry out tax obligations, including tax collectors or certain tax collectors. Each Taxpayer will have a Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP).

What is meant by NPWP is the number given to taxpayers. NPWP functions as a means of maupu requirements in every tax administration.

NPWP is often referred to as a self-identification or the identity of taxpayers in carrying out their rights and obligations. So, what are the rights and obligations of taxpayers?

Before answering the question, know the grouping of taxpayers.

Quoted by VOI from the official website of the Directorate General of Taxes, Broadly speaking, the grouping of Taxpayers consists of individual taxpayers and corporate taxpayers. The following is a complete explanation of the two categories

Mandatory Taxpayers for personal people (Induk) are tax subjects who have received or earned income.

Private people's Taxpayers include:

What is meant by the taxpayer is a business entity, which includes taxpayers, tax payers, and tax collectors.

Compliance Taxpayers include

Taxpayers' rights are the right to obtain services and protection for everything information that has been submitted by taxpayers to the Directorate General of Taxes in carrying out tax regulations.

The rights obtained by taxpayers include:

Each Taxpayer has a number of obligations that need to be carried out, such as:

This is complete information about the rights and obligations of taxpayers.

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