JAKARTA - The DPR's Budget Agency (Banggar) has agreed with the government's proposal through the Ministry of Finance on the target of Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) from the National Police Institution of Rp. 10.2 trillion as stated in the State Budget Bill for Fiscal Year 2023.

This was conveyed by the legislator of the Democratic Party Bramantyo Suwondo when reading the results of the Working Committee's decision before being brought to the DPR Plenary Meeting.

"Another PNBP for the Indonesian National Police in 2023 is IDR 10.2 trillion," he said at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta on Tuesday, September 27.

According to Bramantyo, this number is greater than the initial assumption that the government recently conveyed about the institution led by Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.

"(This value) increased by Rp830 billion compared to the 2023 RAPBN," he said.

Citing the komolnas.go.id page, the Police institution can collect Non-Tax State Revenue from 12 sources, including the issuance of a driving license (SIM), the issuance of a motor vehicle sign (STNK), to a traffic violation fine.

VOI noted that until the first semester of 2022 the Bhayangkara Corps managed to donate IDR 4.2 trillion to the state treasury as a form of PNBP realization of the traffic function (Lantas), including revenue for the issuance of STNK, BPKB, TNKB, NRKB as well as extensions and/or SIM issuance.

This number itself is said to be equivalent to 45.8 percent of the National Police's PNBP target at Presidential Regulation Number 98 of 2022.

In addition to the function Then, the source of acceptance obtained came from the Public Service Agency (BLU) of the National Police with the realization in the first half of this year of Rp1.1 trillion or 48.7 percent of the target. This realization decreased by 8.1 percent on an annual basis (year on year/yoy) due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The National Police itself this year received a total budget ceiling of IDR 110 trillion based on Presidential Regulation 98/2022.

This amount makes the National Police the government institution with the second largest budget after the Ministry of Defense (Kemenhan) of Rp134.7 trillion, and above the Ministry of PUPR with Rp100.6 trillion.

Meanwhile, the realization of the Police's budget until June 2022 is IDR 50.3 trillion, equivalent to 45.3 percent of the amount provided.

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