YOGYAKARTA - An individual business is one of the business entities that only one individual has. This individual business variety has a free management info method and no direct pressure or interference from other parties, such as the government. How many types of individual businesses?

Various individual businesses can generally be large scale and small scale, for example small-scale business entities (UMK) and large-scale Private Owned Enterprises (BUMS).

This individual business variety in carrying out its business consistently requires technology although it is still simple, the capital tends to be small, the variety of production and workforce is not much.

Agricultural Business

This variety of individual businesses in the agricultural sector is generally mostly in rural areas and is managed by individuals. This agricultural business has limited capital because generally farmers will process their own agricultural land. Then the results of the agriculture will be marketed back to return the capital.

The development of the agricultural business era can now have good potential with lucrative profits. There have been many successful businesses engaged in this field by applying technology in running their business. Such as making vegetable online kiosks, such as those run by Happyfresh, Vegetablebox, Tanihub, and others that market vegetables from agricultural products through applications.

You can also generate this agricultural business as a side profession for additional income. Other models of inspiration for various individual businesses in agriculture include the following:

Small Industry

Small industries are almost the same as various service businesses, but only the skills are different. This business variety is actually more complicated in nature, meaning that in this business it also uses trade management and services as well. in this business also provides services or sales of goods and services to consumers.

This small industry business variety can be run individually because it can start from small capital. In addition to small capital, small industry businesses also generally have a small number of workforce, around 5 to 19 people. The workforce taken is actually from the closest environment to the owner such as friends, friends or his own exit.


Jasa Business

The trade business variety is one of the most popular businesses by the Indonesian people. Although to run this variety of businesses requires special skills, this variety of businesses can be adapted to talent, it is even fun.

That is why various service businesses are ogled because they are more flexible and can adjust to their abilities. No doubt if this variety of businesses can be managed individually. This business can be run without capital. If you have certain talents or skills, try offering your services.


Trading Business

Trade businesses may be a variety of individual ventures that we encounter a lot. This variety of businesses is a buying and selling activity of goods aimed at seeking profit. This includes those who also carry out activities as intermediaries for buying and selling activities.

This variety of businesses can really be carried out individually if they want to start a business with small capital. This individual business variety can also be carried out by anyone without any special skills. There are many kinds of trade businesses that can be combined, ranging from cooking, beauty, fashion, accessories, furniture, household handicrafts, to art.


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