JAKARTA - The Kryanusa Exhibition with the theme The Spirit of Supporting Competitive Crafts is held again after two years of vacuum due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The event, which was initiated by the National Crafts Council (Dekranas) will take place from September 21 to 25, 2022 at Hall A Jakarta International Expo (Jiexpo), Kemayoran, Central Jakarta.

General Chairperson of Dekranas, Wury Ma'ruf Amin and Iriana Joko Widodo had the opportunity to open the event.

Just so you know, the Dekranas, which was founded on March 3, 1980, has become a pioneer for the gathering of national handicraft industry activists.

Dekranas is the driving element in the handicraft industry and has carried out its role as a partner of the Government in fostering and developing cultural traditions and heritage in making handicrafts that are more quality and competitive throughout the archipelago.

Chairperson of the 2022 Craftusa Exhibition, Elizabeth Thohir stated, the main goal of the exhibition is to help marketing Dekranasda's fostered products and provide space for the archipelago handicraft industry to continue to strive to create creativity and innovation in order to improve its business performance and display its superior products.

"The handicraft industry is one of the sectors that is able to adapt and innovate in the midst of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic so that it can survive, even support the national economic recovery (PEN)," Elizabeth said in a written statement, Wednesday, September 21.

Every year, the Kryanusa Exhibition carries a different icon of the archipelago region, and this year's Kriyanusa Icon is from Lampung Province in the form of the Pupuk Rebung Motif and the Motif of the King of Medal.

The Kuncup Bambu motif is generally found in Javanese and Sumatran woven fabrics that contain the saying "Mulia at a young age, moreover at an adult age".

Bamboo who is still a very gentle and nutritious bud is eaten. But as he grew up, he stood strong, towering, but lay low.

In Lampung, this motif is worn by women who are married in traditional ceremonies and symbolizes fertility.

Meanwhile, the motive for the King of Medal is the motive with the shape of the ship and its crew, indicating that its use is a woman who is high in rank, such as a wife who contributes (Indigenous ship).

The ship's tablet is a tribute to Lampung's past as a maritime force.

The 2022 Craftusa Exhibition features craft products with better quality, so that Indonesian handicraft products are increasingly known to the world.

"Kriyanusa is a handicraft exhibition that the public has been waiting for, not only Indonesia, but abroad because it displays regional superior handicraft products produced by competent and competitive IKM actors," said Secretary General Dekranas as well as Director General of Small and Medium Industries and Aneka Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin), Reni Yanita.

Based on data from the Ministry of Industry, the craft industry sub-sector is able to export with a value of 916 million US dollars in 2021, which has increased by 10.49 percent compared to the export value in 2020 which reached 829 million US dollars.

In addition, from data from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, the contribution of the handicraft sub-sector to the national GDP in 2020 reached Rp. 166.13 trillion with the number of people working in the handicraft sub-sector as many as 3.9 million people.

Therefore, continued Reni, as a country that has the diversity of ethnic groups, customs, arts of culture, and languages, Indonesia is considered to have the potential to produce various crafts or special and quality crafts.

"Hopefully this Kryanusa exhibition will contribute to all participants to increase productivity, as well as educate and stimulate their understanding of promoting handicraft products actively and comprehensively," he said.

The 2022 Craftusa Exhibition, which was attended by 147 participants, will also be enlivened by talk shows, craft demonstrations, fashion shows, and arts from various regions.


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