JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) reports that the distribution of direct cash assistance (BLT) 2022 to the public through village funds is claimed to have met the overall target of the year.

This was stated by the Director General of Fiscal Balance Astera Primanto Bhakti when attending a meeting with the DPR Budget Agency (Banggar) today. According to him, BLT village funds is a government mandatory program given to beneficiary families (KPM) in various regions.

"As of September 2022, BLT village funds were distributed to 7.48 million KPM or equivalent to 99.07 percent of the target of 7.56 million KPM. This amount is higher than 2021 which is only 5.62 million KPM," he said at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Wednesday, September 21.

Astera added, although it has not been achieved 100 percent, the remaining budget will still be distributed to local governments as supporters of other government programs.

"Based on PMK (Regulation of the Minister of Finance) Number 128 of 2022 it is determined that the village BLT that is not distributed will continue to return to the relevant area to fund national priority activities," he said.

For information, the overall value of village funds for this year's period is IDR 7 trillion. In addition to being used for BLT mandatory, village funds are also intended for basic public services, government public services and are directed to education, health and community economic empowerment.

In the editorial notes, village funds are included in the regional transfer budget (TKDD) with a value of Rp. 769.6 trillion. This figure represents 28.35 percent of the total state expenditure in the 2022 State Budget Law which is Rp. 2,714.2 trillion.

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