JAKARTA - The West Sulawesi Provincial Government (Sulbar) has prepared 11 thousand hectares of school land to be utilized in the development of food crop commodities, especially corn.

"A total of 11,000 hectares of schoolland throughout West Sulawesi are prepared to support the government's food security program in order to anticipate the food crisis," said Head of the National Education Office (Diknas) Muhammad Natsir in Mamuju, quoted from Antara, Saturday, September 17.

He said the school's land was immediately managed to be utilized in developing corn crop commodities.

According to him, the cocoa farming SMK in West Sulawesi in Kalukku District, Mamuju Regency, for example, has developed corn and cocoa commodities on the grounds of the school's yard to support the program.

Acting Governor of West Sulawesi, Akmal Malik also said that the West Sulawesi government had encouraged all schools in West Sulawesi to use land for food needs.

"Sulbar is following up on President Joko Widodo's directive to build food security and all schools in West Sulawesi have been asked to develop corn crops," he said.

According to him, there are three food commodities that are still imported by Indonesia, such as corn, soybeans and wheat, so that West Sulawesi must develop food to face the challenges of the food crisis.

"The West Sulawesi government is also developing food to reduce the inflation rate and hopefully all schools in West Sulawesi can take advantage of their school yard land to develop food commodities," he said.

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