JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo has signed Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 112 of 2022 concerning the Acceleration of Renewable Energy Development for the Provision of Electric Power.

The Presidential Regulation also contains the price of electricity sold by the developer of the EBT power plant to PT PLN (Persero) according to the type of power plant.

Based on the contents of the presidential regulation, Article 5 Paragraph 1 states that the purchase price of electricity from power plants sourced from renewable energy by PLN consists of (a) the highest benchmark price as stated in attachment I or (b) the price of the agreement with or without taking into account the location factor (F).

Sementara itu ayat 2 menyebutkan besaran angka faktor lokasi (F) sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) tercantum dalam Attachan II yang merupakan bagian tidak terpisah dari Peraturan Presiden ini.

Article 3. The purchase price of electricity as referred to in paragraph (1) is the price used in CHD and has been valid since COD.

Article 4. The purchase price of electricity as referred to in paragraph (1) letter a will be evaluated annually since this Presidential Regulation comes into effect taking into account the latest average contract price of PT PLN (Persero).

Article 5. Evaluation of the purchase price of Electricity as referred to in paragraph (4) is carried out by the Minister in coordination with ministers who organize government affairs in the field of state finances and ministers who organize government affairs in the fields of state-owned enterprises.

Article 6. In terms of evaluation as referred to in paragraph (5) results in changes in the purchase price of electricity as stated in Attachment I which is an integral part of this Presidential Regulation, the provisions regarding changes in the purchase price of electricity are regulated by Ministerial Regulation.

Article 6 states: (1) The purchase price of electricity based on the highest benchmark price as referred to in Article 5 paragraph (1) letter a is carried out with the following conditions:

a. negotiations with the upper limit based on the highest benchmark price as listed in L, attachment I which is an inseparable part of this Presidential Regulation;

b. without escalation over the period of PJBL; and c. applies as a price approval from the Minister.

(2) The purchase price of electricity based on the highest benchmark price as referred to in Article 5 paragraph (1) letter a for purchasing electricity from PLTP, applies the following provisions:

a. negotiations with the upper limit based on the highest benchmark price as stated in Attachment I which is an inseparable part of this Presidential Regulation;

b. applies as a basic price;

c. applicable provisions for escalation for a period of time

PJBL or PJBU; and

d. applies as a price agreement from the Minister.

(3) The purchase price of electricity based on the price of the agreement as referred to in Article 5 paragraph (1) letter b is carried out through negotiations and must obtain price approval from the Minister.

The purchase price of electricity as referred to in Article 6 is the price at the meeting point between electrical equipment at the electrical power plant installation with electrical equipment for electrical installations for the distribution of electricity (factories) and does not include the price of power network facilities.

The purchase price of electricity from the hydropower plant that utilizes flow/water supply includes:

1 MW Capacity: The highest benchmark price is 11.23 cent/kWh x F for the year 1 to 10 years and 11 - 30 years 7.03 cent/kWh

- Capacity of up to 1 MW - 3 MW: The highest benchmark price is 10.92 cent/kWh x F for the year 1 to 10 years and the year 11 - 30 years 6.82 cent/kWH

-capacity 3 MW - 5 MW: The highest benchmark price is 9.65 cent/kWh x F for the year 1 to 10 years and the year 11 - 30 years 6.03 cent/kWH

- 5 MW - 20 MW Capacity: The highest benchmark price is 9.09 cent/kWh x F for the year 1 to 10 years and 11 - 30 years 5.68 cent/kWH

- 20 MW - 50 MW Capacity: The highest benchmark price is 8.86 cent/kWh x F for the year 1 to 10 years and 11 - 30 years 5.54 cent/kWH

- 50 MW - 100 MW capacity - 100 MW: The benchmark price is 7.81 center/kWh x F for the year 1 to 10 years and 11 - 30 years 4.88 center/kWH

-Kapatas 100 MW ke atas: Harga pakatan tertinggi 6,74 cent/kWh x F untuk tahun 1 hingga 10 tahun dan tahun 11 - 30 tahun 4,21 cent/kWH.

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