JAKARTA - The state-owned construction company, PT PP (Persero) Tbk (PTPP) managed to obtain four projects for the construction of the National Capital City (IKN) of the Archipelago in East Kalimantan. "Until now, we have obtained four projects at IKN and are currently in the process of contracting," said PTPP President Director Novel Arsyad at the 2022 Public Exposure online in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Thursday, September 15. Novel added that the project that had been won reached around Rp. 1.5 trillion. PT PP is waiting for contractual from the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR). "Of course there are still several other projects that are our target at IKN which are in the tender process. This is the main target, because we want to make the best contribution with the best work quality for this country," he said. Regarding the construction, he said it is likely to start at the end of September or early October for implementation in the field, PT PP is currently preparing a working method with the PUPR Ministry as a employer and related consultants. "God willing, in the near future we can start in the field," said Novel. Previously, the National Capital Authority (IKN) of the Archipelago until 2024 focused on developing areas in the Central Government Core Area (KIPP) 1A to become a habitable city with complete facilities to meet daily needs. Spokesperson for the Communication Team for the Transfer of IKN Sidik Pramono said, in 2024 the government wants to transfer ASN, TNI, Central Police to IKN. Therefore, when there is a transfer, IKN must already have adequate facilities to meet their needs. Funding for IKN development comes from the APBN and non-APBN. The state budget will be used, among other things, to build basic infrastructure, government buildings, the presidential palace and the vice president's palace. Meanwhile, non-APBN funding will use schemes that are allowed by law, with investments, including to build international hospitals, integrated educational facilities, office and service areas, mixed use buildings, commercial commercial, and residential facilities.

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