JAKARTA - The Ministry of Trade through the Directorate General of Consumer Protection and Orderly Commerce (PKTN) has secured 2,735 tons of processed dairy products and their derivatives. The value reached Rp120 billion.

This processed milk and derivative product belongs to PT TK which is located in Sentul, Bogor Regency, West Java. Security was carried out because PT TK violated Permendag Number 51 of 2020 concerning Import Commercial Administration Examination and Supervision After Through the Customs Area (Post Border).

"PT TK is an importer of processed dairy products and their derivatives. Now, it turns out that they do not have import approval, there is none. Therefore, based on Permendag Number 51 of 2020 it is certainly not appropriate, then this should not be traded for violating the rules. The amount is 2,735 tons with a value of around Rp120 billion. This is very large," said Trade Minister (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan, Wednesday, September 14.

Zulhas said, the import approval letter from the Ministry of Trade was not issued because the Ministry of Agriculture had not yet issued an import recommendation.

Meanwhile, the domestic dairy industry needs raw materials. This is what makes the importer importer import without prior approval. However, Zulhas said that PT TK as an importer company had admitted his guilt.

"This is a hard-to-get item, the value is high for raw food for milk. This is raw material. So other industries also depend on this material, this is important and strategic. The company has also admitted that it is wrong," he said.

Zulhas mengatakan ada dua opsi terkait pelanggaran ini. Pertama, dilakukan pemusnahan. Kedua, dilakukan reeksport dan impor kembali dengan surat-surat yang lengkap.

For your information, exports are the release of imported goods from the Customs Area for goods that are not in accordance with those ordered, wrongly sent, damaged or not in accordance with government regulations.

"According to this rule, it is destroyed, or exported. So I suggest, I ask the owner to be exported," he said.

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