YOGYAKARTA The Basic Taxpayer Number (NPWP) was originally not valid for life. However, on the way, NPWP can be inactive if its owner is designated as Non-effective Taxpayer. If so, the NPWP owner needs to know how to activate a non-effective NPWP so that it can still be used when having needs related to taxation.

Just so you know, the activation of NPWP can only be done if the status is non-effective (NE). Meanwhile, if the status is abolished (DE), taxpayers need to make new NPWPs again.

So, what are the Non-effective NPWP criteria? Based on the regulation of the Director General of Taxes No. PER-20/PJ/2013, there are several provisions that make taxpayers unable to have non-effective status, including:

If you have non-effective status, then NPWP needs to be reactivated so that it can be used as a means to take care of tax administration

Quoted by VOI from the official website of the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT), to be able to activate a non-effective NPWP, taxpayers need to know several conditions that must be met for power validation purposes. The required documents are also different depending on the Janis Mandatory Tax.

1. Mandatory Tax of Personal People

Mandatory taxes (WP) for individuals are tax subjects who have received or earned income. The conditions that must be met to activate non-effective NPWP for individual taxpayers are:

2. Mandatory Body Taxpayers

What is meant by the Mandatory Tax of the Agency is a business entity, which includes taxpayers, tax payers, and tax collectors. The requirement for the non-active NPWP for the Body Taxpayer is:

Procedures to enable NPWP are not complicated and easy to do online and offline.

Empactivating NPWP online can be done through the Tax Kring service with the phone number 1500200 or through the www.pajak.go.id page.

In addition, you also activate NPWP offline by going directly to the nearest Pratama Tax Service Office (KPP).

1. How to Activate NPWP Onlinely

Here's how to enable non-effective NPWP online:

2. How to Activate NPWP Offline by Coming to KPP

Meanwhile, ways to offline activate NPWP include:

That's how to activate non-effective NPWP. Please note, the ownership of an active NPWP cannot be underestimated. The reason is that NPWP has various benefits, such as applying for credit to the bank, addressing work, and avoiding criminal witnesses due to not implementing the General Tax Provisions Law (KUP).

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