JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) through the Directorate General of Oil and Gas has inaugurated the operation of 4,153 natural gas networks (SR) for households in Probolinggo City, East Java.

"The construction of gas jargas for households in Probolinggo City has been completed using 2022 APBN funds by the Directorate General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. The source of gas supply comes from the Madura Strait Working Area with a total volume of gas allocations of 0.2 MMSCFD," said Director of Planning and Development of Oil and Gas Infrastructure Laode Sulaeman in an official statement, Friday, September 9.

The Probolinggo City Jargas is spread across 4 urban villages, namely Kanigaran (940 SR), Curahgrinting (1,038 SR), Kebonsari Kulon (1,266 SR) and Tisnonegaran (909 SR). This facility was built for 205 days and has 4 Regulators Station (RS) units.

The Probolinggo City Jargas is part of the 40,777 SR built in 2022.

This year's jargas development is spread across 12 regencies/cities and is currently in the completion stage.

For information, the Government has carried out the construction of jargas in Probolinggo City, which is the third year, with a total installed of 14,321 SR with 2018, 2021 and 2022 State Budget costs.

The construction of gas jargas for households is one of the National Strategic Programs (PSN) that supports energy diversification.

This program has meaning for easy energy access programs where people are given options for the energy to be used.

The benefits of natural gas include reducing exhaust emissions which will significantly reduce the level of environmental pollution.

Laode said that the construction of household jargas also brings great economic benefits.

Based on the economic comparison matrix and saving on natural gas use through pipes for the household sector with LPG, the use of 1 12 kg LPG cylinder per month can be equivalent to 15 m3 of natural gas.

So that by utilizing natural gas through pipes for the household sector, every household can save fuel consumption costs.

On that occasion, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources also hoped that the Regional Government and the people of Probolinggo City would participate in securing and maintaining gas and gas infrastructure for this household.

So that the benefits of natural gas through pipes, especially for the household sector, as cheap, comfortable, environmentally friendly and safe fuel, can be realized properly.

The people of Probolinggo City welcomed the construction of this household jargas.

Probolinggo Mayor Hadi Zainal Abidin said that many Probolinggo City residents wanted their houses to be installed with gas lines but were constrained by limited quotas.

Therefore, Hadi will propose to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources so that next year jargas can be rebuilt.

"Fakta di lapangan, masyarakat yang minta dipasang jargas banyak. Karena kebatasan kuota, tidak semua dipenuhi. Kami akan tetap mengusulkan agar ada penambahan kuota tahun depan. Kalau tidak ada, masyarakat dapat memasang jargas melalui jalur mandiri," kata Hadi.

On the same occasion, Committee BPH Migas Wahyudi Anas said, the oil and gas BPH has set a gas selling price for Probolinggo at a household price of group 1, IDR 4,250 per m3. It is cheaper than LPG 3 kg and LPG 12 kg.

Meanwhile, PT PGN's GM SOR 3, Edi Armawiria added, the construction of jargas is one of PGN's efforts to support the energy transition to clean energy which must be a priority.

"Adding the point of the household gas network in Probolinggo City today, hopefully, it will make access to natural gas energy easier for 4,153 customers," said Edi.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources with APBN funds has been building jargas since 2009 and until 2021, 662,431 house connections (SR) have been distributed in 17 provinces and 57 regencies/cities have been built.

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