JAKARTA - The Special Committee (Pansus) for Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) of the Indonesian Regional Representative Council (DPD) for the second time sent an invitation letter to conglomerates Robert Budi Hartono and Sjamsul Nursalim on Wednesday 7 September 2022. The invitation was related to the BLBI DPD RI Special Committee's Hearing Meeting (RDP) with the agenda of deepening the material for the completion of the BLBI.
The invitation letter dated August 22 was signed by the Secretary General of the DPD, Rachmad Hadi and copied to the Chairman of the DPD RI, the Chair of the BLBI DPD RI Special Committee, the Deputy for the DPD RI Trial, and the Head of the First Session Bureau of the DPD RI.
In a letter circulating among journalists, it was explained that both Robert Budi Hartono and Sjamsul Nursalim had been summoned for the first time on August 12. But both were not present.
Robert Budi Hartono is the owner of the Djarum Group business. Meanwhile, Sjamsul Nursalim is the owner of PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk.
The chairman of the BLBI DPD RI Special Committee, Bustami Zainudin, said that Robert Budi Hartono was invited by the BLBI DPD Special Committee to be asked for his statement regarding the purchase of the business group in acquiring BCA in 2003 with a value of IDR 5 trillion for 51 percent of the shares. Whereas at the same time BCA held recap bonds worth IDR 60 trillion.
"So within a year, the recap interest paid by the government is around Rp. 6-7 trillion. So it won't take him until 2 years he has returned from capital? Well, we need to deepen this problem. It's not for anything except for the BLBI problem to be resolved soon, including the alleged sale of BCA assets which is detrimental to the state,” said Bustami in a written statement, quoted Monday, September 5.
Even more tragic, according to Bustami, BCA, which continues to receive the recap bond interest, is suspected of having sold its recap bonds to the international market. So, if the state performs a moratorium on recap interest payments, the state can be in trouble in the international financial world.
"The concern of the DPD is to solve the problem of BLBI and recap bonds so that there is no more burden for this country or the entrepreneurs themselves in the future. We will finish it now or later it will drag on," explained Bustami.
Meanwhile, the invitation to Sjamsul Nursalim was related to the BLBI disbursement of Rp4.8 trillion and Rp28.40 trillion which was then paid for by the Dipasena pond, which turned out after being auctioned, BPPN only sold for Rp300 billion.
"Based on the Master Settlement Aqcuisition Agreement (MSAA) agreement, Sjamsul's debt payment was made in cash of Rp1 trillion and through the delivery of assets worth Rp27.49 trillion. But this asset, namely Dipasena, only sold Rp330 billion, this is what the story is," said Bustami.
Bustami hopes that Robert Budi Hartono and Sjamsul Nursalim will respect this invitation letter. Therefore, it means that they respect the legal representative state institutions of the Indonesian people.
"I hope that both of them are present to fulfill the summons of the two DPD RI," he concluded.
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