JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo said that the distribution of direct cash assistance from the transfer of fuel oil subsidies or BLT fuels will be carried out thoroughly in all regencies/cities next week. "Hari ini sudah mulai dilakukan penyaluran BLT BBM di Lampung dan ini akan terus berlangsung," kata Presiden, yang pada Sabtu 3 September mengunjungi Kota Bandar Lampung di Provinsi Lampung untuk mengecek penyaluran BLT BBM. "So far, the distribution has been smooth and good, and this distribution will continue to move to all cities and regencies next week," he said, as reported by Antara. The President said that in general the distribution of BBM BLT went well. "I saw that it was already running, especially the system was running well. But indeed because the amount shared is quite a lot, maybe it won't be 100 percent true, there must be something that doesn't match either," he said. In addition to checking the distribution of aid in Bandar Lampung, the President has reviewed the distribution of BLT BBM in Jayapura, Papua Province, and Tanimbar Islands, Maluku Province. The government distributed several social assistances to anticipate the impact of the increase in fuel prices. The central government allocated Rp12.4 trillion in funds to provide direct cash assistance to 20.65 million families. Direct cash assistance for each beneficiary family is a total value of Rp600,000 and is channeled twice through the Post Office. The central government has also allocated Rp9.6 trillion in funds to provide wage subsidies for 16 million workers with a maximum salary of Rp3.5 million per month. The wage subsidy given by the government to each worker is Rp600,000. In addition, the central government asked the local government to set aside two percent of the general transfer funds covering general allocation funds and profit-sharing funds to provide additional transportation subsidies and social protection to residents.

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