JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno stated that financial processing training is very important and appropriate to be given to MSME actors.

This was conveyed by Sandiaga in a training event for hundreds of MSME activists in collaboration with Bank Infaq Ar-Raudhoh in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta.

Sandiaga hopes that the training will allow MSME actors to know how to manage good finances. According to Sandiaga, this training can be a provision for participants to be able to face the VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complex and Ambiguity) era, one of which is inflation.

"Therefore, that is the way we must be able to manage our finances better. Because nothing is constant, everything changes, we have to go through this VUCA era. This training is very appropriate," said Sandiaga, Thursday, September 1.

Sandiaga believes, in line with the right Government programs, business actors can survive and even increase in economic turmoil.

"We believe that our efforts can survive in the face of economic turmoil, especially the increase in the prices of basic materials by better financial processing," said Sandiaga.

"We still target that our MSMEs can survive, but they can increase even with the target of creating 1.1 million new and quality jobs this year. And until 2024 there will be 4.4 million new jobs," he added.

On that occasion, Sandiaga through Bank Infaq Ar-Raudhoh also provided capital assistance of Rp. 20 million for MSMEs. Meanwhile, the training participant, Natasha (45) assessed, this activity has many benefits to support its business. After receiving training, he admitted that he knew the importance of processing money so that the business he was undergoing could develop well.

"Earlier I saw that there was also assistance from Bank Infaq for MSMEs, hopefully this assistance can be absorbed to all MSMEs who join Bank Infaq," said Natasha.

"We thank Mr. Sandiaga Uno who supports the Bank Infaq program, especially in the capital sector. I pray Mr. Sandiaga is healthy and long live and Allah allows him to become a leader in Indonesia 2024," he concluded.

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