KENDARI - PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Kendari branch said that crab exports using cargo services from Southeast Sulawesi to Singapore experienced an increasing trend.

General Manager of Garuda Indonesia Kendari branch, Syaiful Bahri, said that his party sends crab commodities through Garuda cargo exported to Singapore three times a week.

"So, there has been an increase in the content or volume of exports through Garuda. Especially the crab commodity has increased", he said, reported by Antara on Tuesday, August 30.

He explained that the average one-time shipment to Singapore was previously from 200 to 350 kilograms, now it has increased to 500 to 800 kilograms in one shipment

"Although the intensity of shipments is not every day, these commodities are the leading commodities that are in demand by neighboring countries", he said.

For export supervision, there are standards and communications with overseas buyers so that the product remains fresh to its destination. For crabs through Garuda Indonesia in Kendari, three times a week is carried out in conjunction with the delivery of various types of leading commodities in Southeast Sulawesi.

Even so, he said there are currently several obstacles where there are incomplete delivery documents, so exports are still carried out through Surabaya and Bali to export to Singapore.

"The export is not directly from Kendari to Singapore, but can be through licensing in Surabaya or Bali", he said.

He admitted, related to the increase in exports in Southeast Sulawesi, especially through Garuda Indonesia for export shipments from Southeast Sulawesi via air, there was still little volume of increase.

"Garuda will always inform and provide comfortable connectivity of routes for cargo delivery so that cargo is immediately received by the customer", he said.

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