JAKARTA - PT Pertamina (Persero) through Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional North Sumatra (Sumbagut) recorded the consumption of subsidized fuel oil (BBM) pertalite type until July 2022 has reached 76 percent of the total annual distribution quota.

Acting Area Manager Communication, Relations & CSR of Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sumbagut Agustiawan said the average daily consumption of pertalite in West Sumatra reached 1,838 kilo liters (KL) per day.

"This number has increased compared to July 2021 which reached 1,503 kilo liters per day," Agustiawan said as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, August 24.

He explained, for other subsidized fuel types, bio-diesel in West Sumatra until July 2022 has touched 65 percent of the total annual distribution quota.

"The average daily consumption of bio-diesel in West Sumatra reaches 1,244 kilo liters per day and this consumption figure has increased compared to July 2021, which reached 1,164 KL per day," he said.

Despite the increase in consumption, his party ensures that the supply of fuel is still in a safe condition to meet the demands of the people in this region.

"The supply of bio-diesel and pertalite is sufficient to meet the needs in West Sumatra," he said.

His party also continues to coordinate and monitor the distribution of fuel in the field so that the distribution of fuel for the people in West Sumatra runs smoothly and safely.

"We note that there has been an increase in consumption of bio-diesel and pertalite fuel products, increased community mobility and the improving conditions for the COVID-19 pandemic are some of the reasons for the increase in demand," Agustiawan said.

He ensured that Pertamina was ready to give strict sanctions to individuals who abuse subsidized fuel by imposing sanctions on distributors who are proven to have sold or misused subsidized fuel in an inappropriate manner.

"Such as the suspension of stopping distribution of subsidized products in accordance with a certain time span until the termination of cooperation," he said.

Pertamina always ensures that the supply of fuel goes well in line with the increase in economic activity that occurs in West Sumatra.

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