JAKARTA - PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk has obtained a new contract worth Rp9.90 trillion as of July 2022.

Of this amount, 70 percent of them come from government projects.

The number of contracts increased by 130.98 percent compared to last year's Rp4.29 trillion.

The Company's SVP Corporate Secretary, Novianto Ari Nugroho said that the acquisition of the new contract value (NKB) from government projects amounted to 75.21 percent.

This was followed by private projects of 10.95 percent.

Then, the business development of the Company's subsidiaries is 9.80 percent, and projects of state-owned enterprises (BUMN) and regional-owned enterprises (BUMD) are 4.05 percent.

"Based on the project type segmentation, the NKB consists of the infrastructure connectivity segment of 66.21 percent," he said in an official statement, Monday, August 22.

Then, Water Resources (SDA) by 9.37 percent, subsidiaries by 9.80 percent, building projects by 9.63 percent, and EPC by 4.96 percent.

Novianto said, currently the company remains focused on improving operational performance and completing projects that were delayed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"As well as increasing new contracts for both the domestic market by participating in tenders for the IKN project and the international market by participating in the G2G relations between the Government of Indonesia and other countries," said Novianto.

Most recently, the issuer with the stock code WSKT won the trust to build Timor Leste's infrastructure by winning the tender for the Noefefan-Oenuno Road project in Oé-Cusse, Timor Leste worth US$22.1 million or equivalent to Rp322 billion.

This is not Waskita's first project in Timor Leste, previously Waskita has also completed several large infrastructure projects such as Suai Airport and Sakato-Noefefan Road with good quality, projects that were completed in 2020.

Regarding this project, Waskita Karya I & QSHE Director of Operation I Ketut Pasek Senjaya explained that Waskita's work includes improvement/rehabilitation and maintenance.

It is hoped that this project can support the connectivity of road infrastructure, which will also connect with the Indonesian border, thereby providing benefits to the people of Oé-Cusse Timor Leste.

"This trust certainly makes Waskita as one of the largest state-owned construction companies very proud because it can continue to contribute to the country of East Leste by building good infrastructure in Timor Leste, especially in Oé-Cusse," said Pasek.

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