JAKARTA - The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) in collaboration with the BUMN Legal Forum is ready to hold the 2022 BUMN Legal Summit at the end of September 2022 in Bali, with the theme "Building Stronger Foundation for Growth".

According to Puji Haryadi, General Chair of the BUMN Legal Forum, in the framework of the 2022 Road to BUMN Legal Summit, his party again held a special webinar for Law Faculty students who came from State Universities (PTN) representatives of all Indonesian provinces.

Today's webinar, which was the second session, involved 510 students from 19 state universities representing provinces in Indonesia. The first webinar session was held on August 10, 2022 and involved more than 500 students from 18 state universities.

“In BUMN there are several forums whose activities are coordination and consolidation of task management according to their community functions. Including, the SOE Legal Forum, which is an association as a form of synergy between legal functions within SOEs to support the aims and objectives of the establishment of SOEs and support the role of SOEs in national development," said Puji, in his remarks when opening the webinar through the Zoom application, Tuesday, August 16.

Puji said, through this webinar, students can add knowledge and insight related to the history of BUMN, related regulations, and opportunities in a career in BUMN.

"From our experience, legal education background is not limited to only managing legal functions, but can contribute to functions other than law in SOEs as will be described by the resource persons in this webinar," he added.

Puji promised to invite student representatives to attend the top event of the 2022 BUMN Legal Summit at the expense of the committee.

The speakers for this event included Wahyu Setiawan, SH, L.LM, Assistant Deputy for Legislation at the Ministry of SOEs, who brought material related to BUMN Regulation and Legal Issue's Highlights. In addition, this webinar also presents Rizal Ariansyah, Director of Finance and General Affairs of the Indonesia Financial Group (IFG) who will carry the topic of Working Experience & Career Path in BUMN.

In his presentation, Wahyu said, SOEs play a role in the country's economic activities in various sectors. BUMN, among others, is used as a tool for implementing Government policies through assignments.

"As long as the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia exists, SOEs will continue to exist as one of the economic actors to handle sectors that are important to the state, public service obligations, and which are economically/politically significant," he said.

Wahyu added, in the last three years, the contribution of SOEs to the Republic of Indonesia reached Rp. 1,200 trillion. However, if we look back further, in the last 10 years SOEs have contributed around Rp. 3,395 trillion to the state. It consists of tax deposits and non-tax state revenues (PNBP) including those from dividends and profit sharing," he said.

The total assets of all SOEs, he said, continued to grow to Rp. 8,400 trillion by the end of 2020.

On the same occasion, Rizal Ariansyah, Director of Finance and General Affairs of IFG, which is an insurance and guarantee holding company, shared his views and experiences. According to him, the legal division has an important role in the company. Legal is not just talking about the profession but abilities that are useful in various lines of job functions.

“A number of challenges are faced by law school graduates who want to become Legal Officers by profession, including digitalization in the field of law. This is closely related to technological developments in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0," he said.

He gave an example of document digitization, especially those related to authentication, document legalization and archive management. "The handling of cases/agreements is carried out online, without physical meetings of the parties, digital signatures, namely not using original/wet and paperless signatures," said Rizal.

In addition, he continued, legal information systems and legal communications that are connected to the internet now use artificial intelligence.

“Working in a BUMN is the right choice as a place to learn, grow and contribute to Indonesia. As a place of learning, every BUMN Personnel has the opportunity to learn or improve their knowledge and skills. As for the place to grow, he continued, every BUMN employee has the opportunity to grow, both in terms of personal, career and professionalism," he said.

As a forum for contributing, BUMN personnel together contribute and play an active role in advancing and prospering Indonesia.

This 2022 BUMN Legal Summit will be attended by BUMN legal personnel and BUMN Subsidiaries as a momentum to build a stronger foundation for BUMN legal functions in supporting the growth and transformation of BUMN.

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