JAKARTA - The Jambaran-Tiung Biru (JTB) Unitization Field Gas Development Project has finally succeeded in carrying out gas in, Sunday, August 14.

This gas is the initial stage of distributing gas from the well to the Gas Processing Facility (GPF).

After this gas process, further efforts will be made to ensure that all GPF facilities are functioning properly through the commissioning stage.

In order to comply with the HSSE rules, the technical team in the field has carried out very intensively the entire series of gas-in preparations to ensure that the gas-in activities run smoothly and safely.

The process of this gas flow from the JTB field is monitored directly by SKK Migas Deputy Operations Julius Wiratno and Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) President Director Awang Lazuardi.

Julius welcomes and appreciates the hard work of all parties involved in realizing the success of this process.

"SKK Migas welcomes and appreciates the hard work of all parties involved in the gas-in process in order to realize the success of the JTB gas project, we hope that this process can run smoothly and safely so that it can then be continued to the next stage," said Julius in a statement to the media, Tuesday, August 16th.

According to Julius, many parties pay attention to this project considering the importance of the JTB gas project for national energy security.

JTB gas potential is projected to meet energy needs in Central and East Java.

"Today is an important moment for the progress of the JTB gas project, hopefully the gas produced can flow immediately to meet energy needs," he said.

Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) CEO Budiman Parhusip said he was relieved to have the long-awaited process implemented.

According to him, PHE as Pertamina's Upstream Subholding which oversees PEPC as one of the trustees in fulfilling national energy has tried its best to realize the success of this JTB gas project.

"We feel this is a manifestation of the success of the entire team who is tireless in carrying out various innovations in the midst of the challenges faced. Finally we are all able to enter the gas phase and soon the gas from JTB will be used," explained Budiman.

The JTB project is a National Strategic Project (PSN) for the energy sector established by President Joko Widodo. This project is operated by PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEP Cepu) Zone 12 Regional East Indonesia Subholding Upstream Pertamina.

The JTB field will produce gas sales of 192 MMSCFD (million standard cubic feet per day) which will be used to meet the needs of the community and industry in the Central and East Java regions.

During the gas-in activity, also present in the field, including Head of the JTB Project Acceleration Unit, Waras Budi Santoso, Acting General Manager Gas Project JTB Ruby Mulyawan, JTB Site Office & PEPC PGA Manager Edy Purnomo, HSSE Manager PEPC JTB Benny Rahadian and other PEPC management .

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