JAKARTA - The taxi company owned by the Purnomo Prawiro conglomerate, PT Blue Bird Tbk (Bluebird) handed over 5,000 mangrove seedlings to the Surabaya City Government in order to preserve the environment and obtain accreditation as a world wetland city.

The handover process was carried out by the General Manager of Bluebird Surabaya Yusuf Nurfaturahman, and was accepted by the Surabaya City Government, represented by the Mayor's Expert Staff in Law, Politics and Government, M Afghani Wardhana and witnessed by representatives of WWF and Surabaya City Organda, Tuesday 16 August.

"The delivery of the mangrove seedlings is a tangible form of the company in contributing to environmental improvement in accordance with Bluebird's Sustainability Vision under the BlueSky pillar," said General Manager of PT Blue Bird Surabaya, Yusuf Nurfaturahman in a statement, quoted by Antara.

Yusuf said that this initiative is part of Bluebird's 50:30 Sustainability Vision which describes a commitment to reduce 50 percent of emissions and operational waste by 2030.

He said that the vision is poured into the three pillars of sustainability, namely BlueSky, BlueLife, and BlueCorps.

According to the plan, the 5,000 seedlings will be planted along the Pamurbaya beach, Medokan Ayu Village, Rungkut District, Surabaya City.

The selection of Pamurbaya Beach as the location for planting mangrove seedlings is based on the fact that the area is one of the vast mangrove ecosystems and

remaining in Surabaya and included in the Mangrove Protected Area (KLM).

"We understand the importance of the function of mangroves in maintaining the integrity of coastal ecosystems. We hope that this contribution can help reduce abrasion and rehabilitate marine ecosystems in the Surabaya City area," he said.

On the same occasion, Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi appreciated Blue Bird's steps in providing mangrove seeds.

According to him, this can inspire the people of the City of Heroes to be more concerned with the surrounding environment, especially the environment on the coast.

"Development of mangrove forests is currently one of the focuses of the Surabaya City Government. This is because Surabaya has been proposed as one of the nomination cities to get accreditation in world-class wetland city management," said Eri.

Eri said that the development of land or mangrove areas has a very important role for environmental conservation because these coastal plants have various ecological functions.

Mangroves can prevent abrasion, reduce marine pollution by acting as a biofilter, reducing heavy metals and excess nutrients from land that enter the sea, increasing oxygen levels so that environmental health is better maintained.

Furthermore, Eri added, mangroves also function as a source of food, nursery, a place to find food, as well as a spawning area for various types of fish, shrimp, and biota.


That's why planting mangroves for the rehabilitation of damaged ecosystems is very important.

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