JAKARTA - The Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (DK OJK) for the 2022-2027 period, which was just sworn in by the Supreme Court last month, was found to have met with the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD.

The meeting was to strengthen the synergy of law enforcement in the financial industry sector.

Chairman of the OJK Board of Commissioners, Mahendra Siregar, stated that his party is committed to maintaining economic and financial stability as well as supervising every financial service institution.

"The OJK continues to take law enforcement steps while increasing internal control so that it requires strengthening cooperation with relevant agencies," he said in a written statement on Monday, August 15.

According to Mahendra, this strategy can be useful in facing global economic challenges that have an impact on the national economy.

In addition, he stated, also if the authorities are ready to carry out a strategic role in the Anti-Money Laundering and Prevention of Terrorism Financing (APU PPT) program.

"We hope that synergy and better coordination of cooperation in the future can continue to be improved, given the increasingly challenging world economic conditions. In addition, various matters relating to the rapid and complex development of technology must be anticipated skillfully,” he explained.

The following are the details of the work agreement between OJK and the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs.

1. Policies in the field of law related to the financial services sector

2. Management and handling of legal issues related to the financial services sector

3. Support for the preparation of regulations and law enforcement in the financial services sector

4. Provision of resource persons and or experts

5. Capacity building and competence of human resources

6. Exchange of data and or information.

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