JAKARTA - PLN Main Distribution Unit (UID) for Greater Jakarta inaugurated the 20 kilovolt (kV) Harapan Indah Unoperated Substation on Wednesday, August 10.

This substation is the first in the work area of PLN UID Jakarta Raya to supply electricity needs in several areas, namely, Marunda, Cakung, Harapan Indah, and Pondok Kopi.

The electricity load distributed by GI Harapan Indah reaches an average of 79 Mega Watts (MW).

General Manager of PLN UID Jakarta Raya, Doddy B Pangaribuan said, with the inauguration of GITO Harapan Indah, the process of monitoring and controlling GIs previously carried out by operators will be carried out centrally and remotely by PLN Jakarta Distribution Regulatory Implementing Unit (UP2D).

"This operator-free GI is a more effective and efficient solution for distributing electricity to customers," he said in an official statement quoted on Thursday, August 11.

He added that PLN had prepared qualified technology to ensure that the role of operators who had been supervising directly could still be monitored properly.

All equipment has been connected through the human machine interface application.

Supervision from the observation side of the cell room and cell installation will be monitored for 24 hours from the Maintenance Control Center PLN UP2D.

Continuous supervision is carried out to ensure the reliability of electricity supply to customers is maintained.

"The presence of the 20kV GITO Harapan Indah is expected to be an innovation by PLN personnel and a form of PLN's transformation in the form of Lean, where PLN ensures reliable and efficient electricity supply to customers," he concluded.

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