JAKARTA - PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat and Banten Tbk or Bank BJB stated that the number of users of the BJB DIGI mobile application from 2020 to date has reached 849 thousand users or has grown almost five times.

"Currently, a digital ecosystem has been formed which includes more than 849 thousand users of the BJB DIGI mobile application, or nearly five times growth from 2020," said Bank BJB President Director Yuddy Renaldi, at the "Analyst Meeting for 2Q 2022 Financial Result" event. ", in Bandung, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, July 27.

Yuddy said Bank BJB's QRIS merchants also grew almost 90 times from the original 7,458 merchants in 2020 and currently have more than 655,000 merchants.

Meanwhile, for Laku Pandai Agents through BJB BiSA, currently there are more than 7,500 agents and in the future it will continue to be developed through cooperation schemes with various parties.

He said the BJB Bank digital ecosystem contributed almost 40 percent of Bank BJB's fee base income which grew 28.8 percent year on year. "Bank BJB's financial ecosystem in the concept of a branchless bank will continue to be optimized for use and pursued its growth to become part of the income with a much larger commission base in the future," said Yuddy.

He said Bank BJB managed to record a positive performance accompanied by a net profit of Rp1.49 trillion in the second quarter of 2022 through collaboration and digital innovation.

He said that through hard work and smart work along with the joint commitment that was launched when starting 2022 was able to bring BJB Bank to record good growth until the Second Quarter of 2022 which is expected to continue to be positive together.

"Bank BJB managed to score a positive performance and grow higher in the second quarter of 2022 thanks to the hard work of all Bank BJB people, trusting customers and the full support of shareholders," said Yuddy.

In the midst of the depressed condition of the banking industry due to the pandemic, Bank BJB consistently continues to record the best performance until the Second Quarter of 2022.

Total assets of Bank BJB grew 14.6 percent to Rp172.4 trillion or above the growth of BPD which was 11.7 percent and even better than the growth of national banking which was 9.2 percent.

Loans disbursed including BJB Bank financing also grew 12.8 percent to Rp110.2 trillion, or grew better than BPD at 5.9 percent and the national banking industry at 6.7 percent.

"Bank BJB's credit quality is very well maintained to 1.1 percent, still below the BPD at 2.63 percent and the national banking industry at 2.99 percent.

Third Party Funds (TPF) with the stock code BJBR on the Indonesia Stock Exchange managed to increase 14.7 percent to Rp133.2 trillion, higher than the BPD at 11.5 percent and the national banking industry growth at 10 percent.

Bank BJB's profit grew 28.5 percent year on year to Rp1.49 trillion and it is a matter of pride that in the second quarter of 2022, it was able to reach Rp1.49 trillion and grew positively for 3 consecutive years amid economic pressures.

"Bank BJB's positive performance is also supported by a solid balance sheet with a Reserve Ratio of 152.9 percent, Loan at Risk of 6.68 percent, efficiency is maintained with an BOPO of 78.4 percent and Fee Based Income which grows 28.8 percent," he said. Yuddy.

The positive performance achieved has also made Bank BJB receive many recognitions and awards from various parties as evidenced by the receipt of 40 awards.

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