JAKARTA – Academician from the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia (UI) Dian Puji Simatupang said that the preparation of the 2023 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget Draft (RAPBN) had its own challenges. The reason is, the government must re-arrange the state's financial deficit of a maximum of 3 percent of GDP.

"The preparation process took place in the midst of global economic conditions that are still turbulent due to the international conflict crisis and the pandemic that is still happening with various variants," he said in a public discussion on the state budget quoted on Tuesday, July 26.

According to Dian, in line with these conditions, there are structural reforms of the national economy that strengthen the state financial management system that is more effective, transparent and accountable.

"Therefore, the 2023 RAPBN deserves to be called a form of state financial plan with prospective and anticipatory characteristics," he said.

For information, during the pandemic in the last two years, the State Budget has been under quite heavy pressure so that the government is given the freedom to widen the deficit beyond the 3 percent threshold. Meanwhile, the provisions of the APBN return to a maximum of 3 percent of GDP referring to Article 2 paragraph (1) letter a of Law Number 2 of 2020.

According to the VOI records, the government and the House of Representatives plan to spend Rp 2,266.7 trillion to Rp 2,398.8 trillion next year.

Meanwhile, on the revenue side, it is projected to earn up to a value of IDR 1,884.6 trillion to IDR 1,967.4 trillion. This means that the budget deficit scheme will again slope according to the provisions below 3 percent of GDP.

Meanwhile, for some macroeconomic assumptions, economic growth was recorded at 5.3 to 5.9 percent, an inflation rate of 2 to 4 percent, the rupiah exchange rate of Rp. 9.16 percent.

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