JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance reports that the realization of the APBN for the tourism function until the first semester of 2022 has reached Rp. 1.9 trillion, equivalent to 49.8 percent of the provided ceiling of Rp. 3.7 trillion.

This information was revealed based on the Government's Report on the Implementation of the First Semester 2022 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget which was quoted by the editor today, Monday, July 25.

"The realization of the budget has increased by 125.1 percent compared to 2021. This growth is mainly due to the opening of various events, both local and international, which are managed directly or with the support of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy," said the minutes.

It is known that in line with this performance, the tourism function budget that has been achieved in the first half of 2022 is used for various activities, namely promotions, events and conferences, professional certification and human resources for tourism and the creative economy.

Then, the facilitation and development of the Tourism and Creative Economy industry as well as the facilitation and development of business actors, start-ups, and SMEs in Tourism and Creative Economy.

"Through considering the development of the realization of the tourism function in the first semester of 2022 and taking into account the absorption rate as well as the policy steps that will be taken in the remaining time until the end of 2022, the realization of the tourism function budget in the second semester of 2022 is estimated to reach Rp. 6 percent of the ceiling stipulated in the ceiling of Presidential Decree No. 98 of 2022," the Ministry of Finance report said.

Meanwhile, to achieve absorption performance at the end of the year, the tourism function budget led by the Minister of Tourism Sandiaga Uno will focus on strategic activities including promotions, conferences and events, including through the Tourism Awareness Movement, Anugerah Kreasi Indonesia (AKI), and Anugerah Dewa. Indonesian Tourism (ADWI).

Then, professional certification and human resources for tourism and the creative economy, as well as revitalization and rebranding of Bali tourism with other leading tourism destinations, kinds of meetings, incentives, conventions, exhibitions (MICE), as well as the application of CHSE standards in tourist destinations.

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