Jakarta - The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) continues to be committed to ensuring the availability of electrical energy that reaches people in all corners of Indonesia.

On Thursday, July 21, KSP coordinated the process of drafting and signing a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between relevant ministries/agencies as an effort to expand the electricity network, especially in the Maluku and North Maluku regions.

"The target of achieving the electrification ratio in the Maluku Region still requires hard work from all parties, both in providing a supply of electricity sources to the availability of the electricity network," said Deputy I Chief of Presidential Staff, Febry Calvin Tetelepta in a written statement, Thursday.

Febry added, until June 2022, the electrification ratio of PLN in Maluku Province is currently 94.6 percent.

"This means that there are our brothers and sisters there who still do not have access to electricity," he said.

He emphasized that the government is targeting the electrification ratio in Maluku Province to reach 97.1 percent in 2022.

KSP, continued Febry, encourages the construction, operation and maintenance of the 20 kV Pasahari–Oh Olong Medium Voltage Network (JTM) and the 20 kV Saleman JTM which will help evenly distribute electricity to remote areas in Maluku.

"Not only guaranteeing access to electricity for all residents in Indonesia, but the government also ensures that all activities to fulfill electrical energy for the community will not damage nature conservation activities," said Febry.

Please note, the Pasahari-Oh Olong JTM stretches for 10 km through the Manusela National Park (TN) area in Seram, Central Maluku Regency. Likewise with the 4.3 km Saleman JTM.

KSP continues to coordinate with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry to ensure that the construction of the pillars supporting the two JTMs does not disturb the ecosystem and conservation of biodiversity in Manusela National Park.

"The Ministry of Environment and Forestry will conduct a careful study of the possible impacts and their mitigation. On the other hand, the need for electricity is also urgent. So with the facilitation from KSP, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and PT PLN will work together to ensure the availability of electricity networks without damaging nature conservation activities," said the KSDAE Conservation Area Planning Director, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Jefry Susyafrianto.

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