JAKARTA - The banking company belonging to the conglomerate Hary Tanoesoedibjo, PT Bank MNC Internasional Tbk (BABP) or MNC Bank held an Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) and an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) on Wednesday 20 July.

In the AGMS, shareholders approved the appointment of Rita Montagna Siahaan as President Director, Denny Setiawan Hanubrata as Vice President Director, Reinard Y. Seno Setiaji as Compliance Director and Frederikus P. Weoseke as Independent Commissioner.

The Company has also accepted Mahdan's resignation as President Director, and in the future Mahdan will carry out his duties as Commissioner of the Company. The appointment and replacement of the Board of Commissioners and Directors is one of the Company's strategies to strengthen the organizational structure and improve corporate governance.

board of Commissioners

President Commissioner (Independent): Ponky N. Pudijanto

Commissioner: Peter Fajar

Commissioner: Mahdan

Independent Commissioner: Frederikus P. Weoseke


President Director: Rita Montagna Siahaan

Vice President Director: Denny Setiawan Hanubrata

Director: Hermawan

Director: Tee Teddy Setiawan

Compliance Director: Reinard Y. Seno Setiaji

"We believe that with the new Board of Commissioners and Directors, MNC Bank's business will grow more rapidly. That way, MNC Bank can provide maximum service to customers," said Hermawan, Director of MNC Bank.

At the same event, the shareholders also approved the Annual Report of the Company's Board of Directors, the Report on the Supervisory Duties of the Company's Board of Commissioners, the Company's Financial Statements for the 2021 financial year, as well as the Use of Profits for 2021 which were all recorded as retained earnings.

During 2021 MNC Bank achieved many positive achievements. One of them is in the field of governance, MNC Bank obtained a Composite Rating of 2 (PK-2) or good in the Bank Soundness Level Assessment (PTKB) as of December 2021 from the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

"This achievement shows that MNC Bank carries out banking processes prudently and prioritizes good corporate governance, so that it is able to maintain positive performance during 2021," said Hermawan.

MNC Bank recorded a net profit of Rp. 12.8 billion throughout 2021, an increase of 23.57 percent on an annual basis or year on year (yoy) compared to 2020 of Rp. 10.4 billion. This was driven by an increase in interest income, from Rp. 969.8 billion to Rp. 979.9 billion, an increase of 1.05 percent from the previous year, and a decrease in Cost of Fund, which resulted in a net interest income of Rp. 427.5 billion, which grew by 10.9 percent. compared to Rp385.3 billion in 2020.

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