JAKARTA - PT Bank Permata Tbk, through its sharia subsidiary, continues to expand the reach of its digital services. This time, it was carried out with an extension through the Sharia People's Financing Bank (BPR Syariah).

Director of PermataBank Syariah Herwin Bustaman said, as a form of commitment to support the Islamic finance industry in Indonesia, PermataBank Syariah is here to be a solution to answer the challenges faced by BPR Syariah. "Especially through digital banking services that can improve the quality of customer experience for Sharia BPR, so that it will make a positive contribution to the growth of Sharia BPR business and the sharia finance industry in Indonesia in the future," Herwin said in his statement, Tuesday, July 19.

Herwin believes that the development of the Islamic economy in Indonesia has enormous potential to develop, so it needs to be balanced with the advancement of digital Islamic finance. One of them is by increasing the knowledge of Islamic banking practitioners, especially Islamic BPR human resources and introducing Islamic banking to all Indonesian people.

Since 2021, PermataBank Syariah has presented sharia services digitally by providing digital service package solutions for Sharia BPRs. Through the digital service package from PermataBank Syariah, Sharia BPRs will have the convenience of making transfers in and out from and to other banks, both conventional and sharia commercial banks, sharia business units, and other Sharia BPRs.

"Including the ease of virtual account-based bill payments using the Bill Payment feature; up to the online account opening feature with API either through the Website or through customer applications," said Herwin.

Currently, PermataBank Syariah has more than 300 BPR & BPRS customers, most of which have PEB and Virtual Account services and dozens of them also have API services. These products and services are expected to provide convenience and increase in transactions such as online transfers, LLG, RTGS including BI Fast.

"In the future, there are many more services and services that will be developed that can help BPR Syariah to offer ease of transaction for its customers," Herwin added.

On the same occasion, the Head of the Asbisindo BPRS Compartment as well as the President Director of Bank Syariah Artha Madani Cahyo Kartiko welcomed and was ready to support the Digital Product & Service Solutions from PermataBank Syariah for BPRS because it is projected to help improve the customer experience and business potential of the current and future BPRS.

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