JAKARTA - The state-owned construction company, PT PP (Persero) Tbk (PTPP), through its affiliated company engaged in the management of toll road rest areas, namely PT PP Sinergi Banjaratma is hosting the signing of four Memorandums of Understanding (MoU) activities. Ministry held on Friday 15 July.

The implementation of the MoU signing activity was prepared in accordance with the mandate of Government Regulation (PP) Number 7 of 2021 concerning Ease, Protection, and Empowerment of Cooperatives and SMEs, the private sector is required to provide a place for promotion and development of Micro and Small Businesses, which in article 60 mandates Ministries/Institutions and Local Governments, BUMN, BUMD, and/or business entities at least 30 percent of the total commercial area land area, shopping area area, and/or strategic promotion places on public infrastructure.

To ensure promotion space and support this commitment, four Ministries consisting of the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, the Ministry of SOEs, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, and the Ministry of Transportation signed the MoU located at Rest Area KM 260 Banjaratma, Brebes, Central Java. Rest Area KM 260 Banjaratma is managed by PT PP Sinergi Banjaratma which is an affiliated company whose share ownership is owned by PTPP, PT PP Properti Tbk, and other state-owned companies.

With the selection of Rest Area KM 260 Banjaratma as the host of the event, it is certainly an honor for all Management of Rest Area KM 260 Banjaratma Heritage, including PTPP as the main shareholder.

Not only signing the MoU, this series of events also inaugurated the Indonesian Batik Center in Rest Area KM 260B Banjaratma. Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Teten Masduki explained, Rest Area KM 260 Banjaratma was chosen because it has management which is currently considered very good, so that the location becomes a role model for public infrastructure providers in providing promotional space for MSMEs.

"I thank the management of Banjaratma because from the start it has provided convenience for MSMEs, especially regarding tariffs. Even at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, rental exemptions were given with relief of up to 50 percent," said Teten in his statement, quoted on Saturday, July 16.

Meanwhile, Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo said, before the rest area was built as it is today, the situation was more like an abandoned building. However, after being built, the Rest Area KM 260 Banjaratma was transformed into a shopping and culinary tourism destination.

"Before it was built, it used to be a haunted house, but now it's already beautifully arranged. In fact, in the future this area will also be filled with performing arts to interesting events," said Ganjar.

Rest Area KM 260 Banjaratma already has 158 MSME players or almost 100 percent of tenants that fill this public space which consists of 130 MSMEs with food, beverage, craft and souvenir products as well as 28 MSMEs with fashion products at the Indonesian Batik Center. .

The event was also attended by the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Teten Masduki, Expert Staff for Finance and MSME Development of the Ministry of SOEs Loto Srinaita Ginting, Director General of Highways of the Ministry of PUPR Hedi Rahadian, Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo, Deputy for SMEs Hanung Harimba Rachman, Minister of Cooperatives and UKM Teten Masduki, Director of Corporate Strategy and HCM PTPP Sinur Linda Gustina, and other officials. Virtually also present in giving his remarks, namely the Minister of Air Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi and all shareholders of Rest Area KM 260 Banjaratma Heritage and other ranks.

Sinur Linda Gustina as PTPP's Director of HCM & Corporate Strategy said, "We are proud to be a part of supporting the community's post-pandemic economic growth acceleration program through the presence of the KM 260 Banjaratma Heritage Rest Area. In addition, PTPP hopes to continue to support and succeed in other government programs, especially in infrastructure development in Indonesia.

"PTPP also expresses its gratitude to the Ministry for choosing Rest Area KM 260 Banjaratma as the rest area that has the best management at present and has made it a role model. With this title, of course, PTPP through PT PP Sinergi Banjaratma will continue to maintain and improve the quality of management. the rest area," said Sinur.

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