JAKARTA - Investasi aset crypto yang tengah populer dan merebut perhatian masyarakat dalam beberapa tahun ini sedang memasuki fase yang disebut "Crypto Winter". Berbagai aset crypto salah satunya Bitcoin mengalami penurunan sejak mencatatkan rekor tertinggi hingga 69.044 dolar AS atau kisa Rp930 juta (kurs rupiah 14500) pada 10 November 2021 dan diikuti dengan penurunan aset lainnya. In the midst of these conditions, the media application discusses and educates investors on the Cuap Cuan podcast titled "Don't Fomo in Crypto!" which was hosted by Maria Katarina together with Chief Marketing Officer Timothius Martin. Timothius mengungkapkan, perlu diketahui penurunan ini tidak hanya terjadi pada crypto, tapi juga di instrumen keuangan lainnya. "In fact, in the midst of current market conditions, we think it can be a reflection of yourself to get to know more about the fundamentals of crypto assets, regulate risk management in investing, and also increase insight around crypto assets that will be invested. It is important for investors to prepare various investment strategies that suit each other's risk tolerance, especially when we know that the number of crypto asset investors in Indonesia is very large, of course investors need to be careful and wise in investing their money," said Timotius, in his statement, quoted Friday, July 8. Mentioned by the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (CoFTRA), the number of crypto investors in the first quarter of 2022 reached 12.8 million or there was an average increase in the number of investors by more than 750 thousand per month. "Of the tens of millions of crypto asset investors in Indonesia, there are two types of investors, namely short-term traders who invest in short terms of time and long-term investors who must be resistant to volatility and must be disciplined. Both of them have their own strengths and disadvantages. So we understand our risk profile, after that determine what type of investor fits according to our profile," said Timo. "Then identify crypto assets that we will invest in, such as general terms in the crypto investment world, namely Do Your Own Research (DYOR). One of the research that can be done is such as studying asset fundamentals to the use of these assets. The point is to choose assets that are really understood, don't get involved without having a good basic understanding," he added. Studying crypto assets and its technology, he said, could go through the Door Academy feature. After preparing everything well, according to Timotius, you can start investing, and of course choose an investment platform that is officially registered with CoFTRA such as a win to provide security for investors. Reporting from the CoFTRA.go.id website, until June 2022, the number of crypto asset traders in Indonesia serving the sale and purchase of crypto assets has reached 25 traders, including PT Pintu Wherever With the brandcurrency, which has served the Indonesian people since April 2020. As of July 2022, theployee application has been downloaded more than 5 million times. "Choosing an investment platform is the final step after we determine risk profiles, investment goals, and conduct research. Make sure the selected platform guarantees investment asset security, is officially registered in Indonesia through CoFTRA, easy to use and uncomplicated investment. All of these are in the cooperative application which provides security, convenience, and education for crypto investors in one application," concluded Timo.

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