JAKARTA - PT Hutama Karya Infrastruktur (HKI) has now completed 31 km, part of the Pekanbaru-Bangkinang Toll Road which is one of the sections in the series of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS) Pekanbaru-Padang section with a total length of 40 km.
In the construction of the Pekanbaru-Bangkinan (Penderang) Toll Road, HKI implemented the Building Information Modeling (BIM) to accelerate infrastructure development.
"This is supported by the government by making regulations in the form of regulations, developing human resources, innovative funding, and implementing research and technology results, in this case implementing BIM," said Director of Operations III of HKI Selo Tjahjono, quoted from Antara, Thursday, July 7.
Selo explained that BIM is a representation of building plans digitally in the form of three dimensions and animations that can be seen using Virtual Reality (VR) which contains all information as the foundation of stakeholders making decisions in each stage of construction.
"The implementation of BIM in the field for some work has used work images which are outputs from BIM, compared to previously those that still use manual images," he said.
With BIM, he continued, the construction process can be more effective. Work that should be carried out by a number of people at certain times can be done in a shorter time, such as making working images of the bridge structure, calculating the volume of concrete and bones, working stages, and calculating volumes.
"One of the other benefits is the calculation of volume which is much more thorough and accurate because the system is able to read a form in detail according to the plan model, so the implementation of BIM in building toll roads will cut work time and also costs," said Selo Tjahjono.
The use of BIM on the Penang Toll Road has also received an award from the Ministry of PUPR on the celebration of Road Day 2021.
HKI won the Winner II title in the Road and Bridge Development Technology Innovation Competition via Video. Through a video that lasts 4 minutes 30 seconds, the Penang Project Team explained how BIM can help teams in the field to plan and build toll roads.
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