JAKARTA - Anugerah Pesona Indonesia or also known as the API Award was held again.

This year, the City of Banda Aceh was named the host of the API Award. The plan, the peak night of the API Award will be held at the end of November 2022.

The API Awards is a big event that is eagerly awaited in introducing and popularizing Indonesian tourism products and destinations.

In every event, the API Awards always bring up the best destinations and tourism products in the country.

After starting in February 2022, currently the API Awards 2022 has entered a voting period which has lasted for a month since early June 2022.

From the provisional data, nominations from the island of Sumatra still dominate the highest number of votes for the time being.

Various activities are carried out by the Regional Government through their respective Tourism Offices, in an effort to garner support from the community so that they are willing to give voting support to nominations from that area.

Chairman of Anugerah Pesona Indonesia & Ayo Jalan Jalan Indonesia, Hiro Kristianto said this was an effort to arouse the attention of all parties to be able to give more appreciation to regional tourism.

In the implementation of the 2022 API Awards, based on provisional votes until June 30, 2022, the competition to win the General Champion seat is still led by the Aceh Province with the South Sumatra and NTT provinces being closely affixed.

The Organizing Committee also invites all parties and the community to take part in giving attention and appreciation to their proud tourism. This is in order to be the best in the Anugerah Pesona Indonesia 2022 event (API Awards 2022).

The following is temporary data for the 2022 API Award Category:


Nasi Kapau - Kab. Religion; 22.2 percent● Gulo Puan - Kab. Ogan Komering Ilir; 18.7 percent● Lokan Badaruk - Kab. Aceh Singkil; 9.1 percent● Kokek Baka - Kab. Rokan Hulu; 8.9 percent● Kaoci - Medan City; 8.8 percent● Geco - Kab. Cianjur; 7.5 percent


Carano Ameh Coffee - Kab. Sijunjung; 16.66 percent● Nutmeg Juice - Kab. Fakfak; 12.86 percent● Sugar methamphetamine - Kab. Shabu Raijua; 11.14 percent● Gambir Leaf Tea - Kab. Mr. Bharat; 11.06 percent● Pi An (Durian Coffee) - Lubuk Linggau City; 9.55 percent● Bir Kotjok - Bogor City; 9.24 percent● Others; 29.5 percent


FB@Berau Tourism - Kab. Berau; 20.69 percent● IG@dispar_bolmut - Kab. North Bolaang Mongondow; 14.11 percent● IG@BandaAcehTourism - Banda Aceh City; 12.21 percent● Bantaeng TIC Application - Kab. Bantaeng; 8.72 percent● travelbuteng.id - Kab. Central Buton; 7.87 percent● IG@dinas_pariwisatapr ov.kalsel - Prov. South Kalimantan; 7.73 percent● Others; 28.7 percent


The Enchantment of the East Coast of Aceh - Langsa City; 11.79 percent● The Heart of Flores - Kab. Nagekeo; 10.80 percent● Beautiful Malang - Malang City; 10.27 percent● Natural Bengkulu - Prov. Bengkulu; 10.22 percent● Explore Your South Sumatra - Prov. South Sumatra; 10.19 percent● The Truly Malay - Kab. Siak; 10.19 percent● Others; 36.5 percent


Sebakul – Kab. Pandeglang ; 12.88 percent● STC – Pekanbaru City; 12.04 percent● Aglonema Tourism Area – Kab. Central Lampung; 11.19 percent● Deli Serdang P3UD – Kab. Deli Serdang; 10.14 percent● Beautiful Smoke Wonosari – Kab. Demak; 9.76 percent● Thamrin City – Prov. DKI Jakarta; 9.48 percent● Others; 34.5 percent

6. Souvenirs

Weaving Princess Protected Moon – Kab. Aceh Tamiang; 22.60 percent● Myristica Botanica Spice Perfume – Kab. Fakfak; 15.32 percent● Resam Craft – Kab. Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir; 9.13 percent● Kachio Ceramics – Kab. Fifty Cities; 8.72 percent● Batik Kuntul Perak – Bontang City; 7.83 percent● Batik Kuansing – Kab. Kuntang Singingi; 7.80 percent● Others; 28.6 percent


Camping Ground Riam Parangek – Kab. Bangkayang ; 19.00 percent● Trekking Mount Kerinci – Kab. South Solok; 10.49 percent● Susur Laumehe Cave – Kab. Central Buton; 10.44 percent● Kali Talang Bike Park – Kab. Klaten; 10.01 percent● Situbondo Adventure Samir – Kab. Situbondo; 9.83 percent● Paragliding Bukit Hulnani – Kab. Alor; 8.47 percent● Others; 31.8 percent


High Rim Rafting – Kab. Lamandau ; 13.00 percent● Water Rafting Tenam – Kab. South Bengkulu; 11.38 percent● Sailing Pahawang – Kab. an offer; 10.76 percent● Bono Surfing – Kab. Pelalawan; 10.25 percent● Lemukutan Island – Kab. Stuffed; 10.01 percent● Diving Gampong Iboih – City of Sabang; 9.78 percent● Others; 34.8 percent


Geopark Silokek – Kab. Sijunjung; 22.88 percent● Depati VII Coffee – SungaiFull City; 21.97 percent● Tahura Lee Kombih – Subulussalam City; 12.02 percent● Rutong State Sago – Ambon City; 8.56 percent● Batang Gadis – Kab. Christmas Mandailing; 7.06 percent● Mentayan Village – Kab. Bengkalis; 6.60 percent● Others; 20.9 percent


Ulurina Peak – Kab. Kolaka ; 12.35 percent● Bur Telege – Kab. Central Aceh; 11.35 percent● Bukit Pabes – Kab. Lebong; 11.12 percent● Tide Gear – Kab. Klaten; 10.29 percent● Bukit Reban Kucing – Kab. Four Lawangs; 9.63 percent● Fatu Braun – Kab. Kupang; 9.53 percent● Others; 35.7 percent


Hatu Rutui – Ambon City; 19.83 percent● Des Boti – Kab. South Central Timor; 10.39 percent● Huta Godang – Kab. Christmas Mandailing; 9.46 percent● Dusun Tuo Datai Talang Mamak – Kab. Indragiri Hulu; 9.41 percent● Wabula Traditional Village – Kab. Buton; 9.41 percent● Turbid Water Pesemah Traditional Village – Kab. Four Lawangs; 9.40 percent● Others; 32.1 percent


Citraman Site – Kab. Pandeglang ; 17.81 percent● Trumon Fort – Kab. South Aceh; 16.98 percent● Nagari Seribu Menhir – Kab. Fifty Cities; 13.76 percent● Bumiayu Temple – Kab. Penukal Abab Lemaatang Ilir; 13.09 percent● Tutari Megalithic Hill – Kab. Jayapura; 7.28 percent● Mataloko Tabor Camp – Kab. Ngada; 7.13 percent● Others; 24.0 percent


Midang Morge Siwe – Kab. Ogan Komering ; 17.81 percent● Hela Rattan Aboru – Kab. Central Maluku; 14.92 percent● Bahorok – Kab. Rote Ndao; 13.95 percent● Music Patrol – Kab. Sidoarjo; 13.21 percent● Guel Dance – Kab. Central Aceh; 12.40 percent● Lumense Dance – Kab. Bombana; 7.08 percent● Others; 20.6 percent


Bongen Festival – Kab. Banyuasin Musi; 24.22 percent● Sko Kenduri Festival – SungaiFull City; 22.81 percent● Banda Aceh Coffee Festival – Banda Aceh City; 12.01 percent● Festival at Manyapu – Kab. Central Maluku; 9.18 percent● Sentarum Lake Festival – Kab. Kapuas Hulu; 6.89 percent● Festival of Old Buton Cultural Enchantment – Kab. Buton; 5.59 percent● Others; 19.3 percent


Tanjung Sakti Agrotourism – Kab. Lahat ; 18.98 percent● Pulau Dua – Kab. South Aceh; 18.44 percent● Kayutangan Heritage – Malang City; 12.48 percent● Lagunci Beach Boti Boat – Kab. South Buton; 11.27 percent● Saung Eling – Bogor City; 8.88 percent● Asia Heritage – Pekanbaru City; 7.66 percent● Others; 22.3 percent


Awololong Island – Kab. Lembata ; 19.33 percent● Official Village – Banjar Baru City; 12.94 percent● Air Soda Parbubu – Kab. North Tapanuli; 10.67 percent● Lakuya – Kab. Kolaka; 9.22 percent● Torosiaje Floating Village – Kab. Pohuwatu; 8.79 percent● Samolon Waterfall – Kab. Malinau; 8.75 percent● Others; 30.3 percent


Pasir Panjang Village – Kab. West Kotawaringin ; 18.46 percent● Syota Beach – Kab. Southwest Maluku; 16.26 percent● Moloku Lake – Kab. North Buton; 13.69 percent● Ayek girlfriend – Kab. Lahat; 10.37 percent● Neren Watotena – Kab. East Flores; 9.13 percent● Bukit Condong – Kab. Indragiri Hilir; 8.73 percent● Others; 23.4 percent


Nanga Lok – Kab. East Manggarai; 18.70 percent● Terujak Falls – Kab. East Aceh; 13.31 percent● Riam Uak – Kab. West Kotawaringin; 13.24 percent● Lake Ulak Lia – Kab. Banyuasin Musi; 12.09 percent● Sungai Bulan Waterfall – Kab. Tebo; 7.70 percent● Sugi Island – Kab. Karimun; 7.51 percent● Others; 27.4 percent

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