JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) supported by Commission VII DPR-RI and the Regional Government has installed 450 Solar Street Lighting points (PJU-TS) in South Sulawesi Province, particularly in Wajo Regency, Bulukumba Regency, Bone Regency and Maros Regency.

The 450 PJU-TS points installed in four regencies in South Sulawesi Province are part of the 2021 Fiscal Year program, with details of Wajo Regency 137 points, Bulukumba Regency 70 points, Maros Regency 104 points and Bone Regency 139 points.

Director of Planning and Infrastructure Development for New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, Directorate General of EBTKE, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Hendra Iswahyudi, said the PJU-TS installation program was not only beneficial for public lighting, but also saved regional expenditures for the electricity payment budget.

"The installation of solar PJUs is very beneficial for the Regional Government to save on Regional Original Revenue (PAD) from street lighting taxes," said Hendra during the inauguration and symbolic handover of PJU-TS in Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi, Saturday, July 2.

Especially because of the policy of adjusting electricity rates for households with power of 3,500 VA or more and Government groups, including for the Public Street Lighting (P3) tariff group.

"This PJUTS program may be a small step for us, but hopefully the savings will be enough for the Regional Government, especially in Wajo Regency," said Hendra.

Meanwhile, Member of Commission VII DPR-RI, Andi Yuliani Paris, said that the assistance for installing PJU-TS was very useful in increasing security, safety and convenience for the community in their main activities at night so that they could improve their standard of living both socially and economically.

"This PJUTS installation program is very beneficial for the community. Hopefully it can increase the social and economic activities of the community," said Andi Yuliani.

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