JAKARTA - The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) provided Unqualified Opinions (WTP) on nine Financial Reports (LK) from seven Ministries and Institutions for 2021 which are under the authority of the State Financial Auditorate V (AKN V) examination.

The report on the results of the inspection, namely the LK of the Ministry of Home Affairs, the LK of the Ministry of Religion, the LK of the National Border Management Agency (BNPP), the LK of the Implementing Agency for the Surabaya-Madura Regional Development Agency (BP BPWS).

Furthermore, the LK of the Free Trade Zone and Free Port of Batam (BP Batam), the LK of the Free Trade Area and Free Port of Sabang (BPKS), the LK of the Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH), the LK of the Madrasah Education Quality Reform Program, and the LK of the Strengthening Program Governance and Village Development.

"This shows the commitment and real effort of all management of ministries, institutions, and other agencies intended to continue to encourage improvements in state financial management by implementing and implementing good financial management practices," said BPK Chairman Isma Yatun as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, June 28. .

BPK still found several problems, which materially did not affect the fairness of the presentation of financial statements, but still require attention for future improvements.

These problems are related to the weakness of the internal control system and non-compliance with the provisions of laws and regulations, among others on the income, expenditure and asset administration side.

Isma explained that there were several recurring findings, namely the management of PNBP was not orderly, payment of expenditure was not in accordance with the provisions, overpaid expenses, fines for late work had not been collected, the integration of the Operational Financial Report for the Implementation of Hajj (LK OPIH) had not been implemented, and the administration of funds deposited by pilgrims had not been fully implemented. adequate.

Based on the data on the recapitulation of the follow-up monitoring of the recommendations for examination results (TLRHP) of the BPK for 2005–2021, for the position of December 31, 2021, the completion rate of recommendations for each Ministry, Institution and Other Agency ranges from 73.20 percent to 96.15 percent.

Five entities completed recommendations above the BPK average of 77.3 percent.

"We hope that the entity will improve control and take systematic corrective steps so that these findings do not recur in the future. We also appreciate the swift action of the KL leadership and other agencies in improving the completion of the follow-up to BPK's recommendations," said Isma.

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